Vogue Japan February 2023 : Iris Law by Saram

Its a nice portrait, but too bright for my tastes and really there just isn't anything else to it. Its bland, its not really showing anything.
It’s different in a very conflicting way. I can’g decide whether I like it or dislike it. It’s very eye catching indeed. The ultraviolet font is really in your eyes. Can’t decide.
Words can't express how much I hate her. Out of all the nepos she is the absolute worst.
I used to like their art direction (around the time they launched it) but now its just hideous. Its too overpowering to be paired with soft images like these. Next.

Vogue is dead.
Remember good old VJ...? RIP :cry:

This image is not even good for catalogue, imo...
Tbh I really like the direction of Vogue Japan's cover since the redesign. It feels very Y2K, slightly futuristic and cool, overall I feel that It has a cool "Japan" vibe. I would be tempted to buy this issue if I see it on the newsstand.

However there is a disconnect between the cover and the editorial content because of the sharing content strategy. If I'm an unaware costumer, I would expect the editorials inside to have the same vibe with the cover.. at least the same point of view. But of course the editorials inside will be reprints from US Vogue (other than 1 or 2 original eds) that feels very American and sunny and not very "Japan" at all.
Could've been better if they didn't rely on digital manipulation. Iris is one of the nepotism models whom I don't mind seeing on magazine covers and editorials.
Don't like her expression with the open mouth. And the filter looks like something Kari Lake uses.
The image isnt bad I think despite lacking any model specs she does give good face. The filter ont he other hand
So after two issues in 2023, now VOGUE JAPAN has a stable cover framework by putting vertical text (katakana) on the left? So fat ugly!
Everything about this cover is wrong. Like others I miss the white background with a model. This I don't know how to describe how much I dislike it.
So after two issues in 2023, now VOGUE JAPAN has a stable cover framework by putting vertical text (katakana) on the left? So fat ugly!

They have been using this art direction since October 2022 issue.

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