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I was thinking something similar actually. The cover itself is beautiful, there is not a single shadow of doubt about this fact but I don't call it Vogue. Sure, as a magazine, and like everything else, it has to evolve and embrace new paths, but without losing its core identity. If it were the cover of a new magazine, I'd be the first to admire the brave and beautiful cover choice. But it's Vogue, may it be an edition that doesn't have a long history yet, and as you said, it feels like the Vogue brand -as a global whole- desperately wants to please everyone...I think Vogue has definitely lost its brand. I think this is a BEAUTIFUL cover, but is it Vogue? Idk I just feel that with the need to appeal to everybody it just means a loss of identity for many brands.
I think Vogue has definitely lost its brand. I think this is a BEAUTIFUL cover, but is it Vogue? Idk I just feel that with the need to appeal to everybody it just means a loss of identity for many brands.
Very much my point of view too. It has to evolve and will anyway. It's just the path most mags are taking now that bothers me. We don't need wannabe Francas, we need people with an equally strong vision, able to move the lines, to make choices, to take risks (how welcome would this be during our tedious times?!).we cannot live in the past, and not everything have to be a reminiscent of Franca's VI to be considered good. That doesn;t mean that we can take any pseudo photographer or model as good.
But I wanna dream when I buy a fashion magazine. I don't want to see reality or daily life in Vogue who used to be the epitome of a high-fashion mag.
My main concern with it is just what I stated before but if you ask me sincerely, I'd take this issue over any kind of stuff with the likes of Kendall, Hailey etc.
We are watching this with occidental eyes and that lead us to fall into an easy missjudge.
If we stick to the idea of what Vogue used to be or represent how we let them evolve? it's true now all brands in general are focused on followers and to please everyone single person, in my opinion that made them loose identity point of view and quality.
Absolutely agree. Vogue used to represent:
- the best of the best
- the wealthy life
- the most elegant and rich people
- the most unattainable life that we could only dream to get a glimpse of from reading Vogue
- the most beautiful models
Now BECAUSE OF THE PRESSURE of society and NORMCORE TREND, Vogue represents:
- people from 7 to 77 years old
- men are heavily featured inside and on the cover
- genders A,B,C,D etc.
- sizes 0 to 16
Therefore Vogue has lost its identity / edge / prestige. I'm not saying it's bad that Vogue wants inclusivity in races / genders / sizes and wants to be WOKE so badly but nevertheless VOGUE for me and millions is NOT National Geographic. I mean I am always shocked to see what Anna Wintour presents in her Vogue now versus what she used to present. People might hate exclusivity or rich people or not being able to see every color and every size and every gender in EVERY SINGLE EDITORIAL OR PAGE of Vogue but it isn't Vogue or any FASHIONNNNNNN's magazine's mission to actually be like an mirror of the world.
I like to see every height, gender, color, age in real life or in books or in movies but a FASHION MAGAZINE was or is supposed to be this ''exclusive'' / ''special'' / ''out of this world'' type of world and that's for that snobiety that I used to buy Vogue for. Vogue in the past 130 years used to have that ELITIST / pompous / rich world reserved for wealthy people and it made me dream because the magazine created that impossible-to-get type of life. I didn't read Vogue because I loved to see ano***** models or white-only people or young-forever and only-types-of-people but I did want the magazine because it represented that exclusive and elitist life. Now it's all normcore:
- models who don't pose and just look at the camera
- photographers who don't know about lighting and just rely on instagram filters
- editors and stylists who just throw the total look on fashion stories
- readers who don't know anything about Coco Chanel or Christian Dior but post videos of themselves danding half naked on Tiktok with their change of outfits and think ''this is high fashion'' and Haile Bieber is a supermodel ahahahaahahahahahahahaahhhahaha gosh I hate this Z gen.