Vs. S/S 2010 : Claudia Schiffer, Vanessa Paradis, Bar Refaeli, Claire Danes


Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score

It's my first time actually opening a thread so I'm not very familiar with the procedures. :P
The images were kindly offered by Vs. Magazine and you can see more on my website: Stylefrizz as well on Vs. Magazine's new website. However, some of the covers you'll see on my website are not yet published on Vs Magazine Live (it was an exclusive, for which I'm most grateful).
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My bad!

In this case, I'd ask the moderators in charge (with a pretty please, biensur) to either move my posting in the old thread and change the old thread's title (which seems more appropriate than me simply erasing this thread, which actually brings something new to the story and that is Bar's cover) or... I'll go on erasing it and post a new message continuing the old thread.

Thank you for the information, Fini! Much appreciated!
Oh damn it.

I wish I'd know there was a Clare Danes cover. I'd have got that one instead of Claudia..

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