What song is stuck in your head?

Three Lions 98? I think that's the name :huh:
"It's coming home, it's coming home, it's coming, football's coming home"
I can't get it out of my mind and it's driving me insane!!! the worst thing is that all the lyrics I know are those!! :shock:
Ashlee Simpson- L.O.V.E. lolz it's on some silly kid bop commercial that airs every hour on Nickelodeon. I had it stuck in my little nephews head too ^_^
Kylie- cant get you out of my head. Someone was playing it on the bus and it was so loud... now i keep randomly saying LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA...
there is this obnoxious Paul Mc Cartney song called "Hope of deliverance" (yuck, cant stand it!!!:() who has been torturing my mind once in a while since my last university year... which occured like 10 years ago... i should visit a shrink, i fear...
Lilly Allen>>Smile

...At first when I see you cry,yeah it makes me smile,yeah it makes my smile..

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