Winona Ryder

It's Louis Vuitton right? I can never get over how young she looks.
She looks young, but her outfits look so bad...
This makes no sense to me, she was always one of the stars whose style I admired, but it appears as though she's lost her golden touch. I would love to see her wearing more of that Louis Vuitton collection though, if there ever was an actress made for that romantic, vintage look, it is Winona.
She does look even younger, or maybe more youthful is a better way of putting it, than Natalie. Glad to see her looking well.
Her face and body have a certain bloat to them. It's really heartbreaking to see such a beautiful woman age, when I look at the perfection of her younger years it's heartbreaking to see her now, so fragile and lost. It's a shame how the industry treated her, I know that there are a lot rumors that she was really a horrible person in her heyday but truly what big star isn't. Look at DiCaprio's behaviour especially during his 20's - everyboidy turns a blind eye to that. Poor Winona, I will always have a soft spot for her.
Winona was horrible back then? I've never heard of that, even back then she seemed hesitant and unsure. The only other "bad" thing that I recall was her and Gwyneth's Shakespeare saga...
Yes if she was a guy they would say "what an artist - devoted to his craft!" but with a woman it's like "ahhh shes weird"
Wow, that was quick. Didn't they just film it this summer? Anyway, it's great to see her again!
EXCLUSIVE: Tim Burton is going to familiar people to voice cast Frankenweenie, Burton's stop motion animated Disney feature based on his 1984 short about a man who reanimates his dog after it gets hit by a car. Burton has set Winona Ryder (Edward Scissorhands and Beetle Juice) to play the role of Elsa, and Martin Landau (his Oscar-winning portrayal of Bela Lugosi in Ed Wood) to provide the voice of Mr. Rzykruski. Martin Short (Mars Attacks!) and Catherine O'Hara (Beetle Juice and A Nightmare Before Christmas) take on the voices of five characters each. Short plays Bob, Nassor, Toshiaki, Victor's Dad and Mr. Bergermeister. O'Hara voices Edgar, Weird Girl, Victor's Mom, and Gym Teacher. Scripted by John August, the pic's slated for release by Walt Disney Pictures on March 9, 2012.
:heart: Tim Burton and Winona! It's about time again they did something together. Apparently she was supposed to be in Sleepy Hallow but you know with Johnny Depp, things would've kind of awkward.
Ahh, kind of disappointed that it's only an animated feature. I wish it was a 'real' a movie, but hey, that's a great project nonetheless!
Well animated movies are huge box office draws these days, and with Tim Burton directing it is bound to be successful. Plus we'll get interviews with her (she hasn't done any for Black Swan) and whatnot. The main thing is that it's proving her comeback is going really well.
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I love Tim Burton`s movie so dark and he is always casting amazing actors but most of all I love Winona and the industry doesen`t treat her right she deservs much more and better movies her carrer is changed so much after her "shopping spread"It makes me sad because she is still one of the greatest actresses
Closing of AFI festival last



+ 1 vintage shot

love the candid, 2 of my fav actresses together. She looked gorgeous as ever at the festival:heart:, beautiful makeup and hair, so excited to see her in this movie:D
She looks best with short hair - it suits her look. I didn't even recognize Paltrow above!

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