Favorite Directors


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2005
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I know alot of movie lovers on tFS!

Favorite directors?

I love Peter Jackson for King Kong and the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

I love Quentin Tarantino for Sin City and the two Kill Bill films.

and last but not least, I love Steven Spielberg for Jaws, ET-Extra Terrestrial, Indiana Jones, Jurassic Park and AI-Artificial Intelligence.

What about you guys? :flower:
nice thread, kissmesweet.

I'm not sure about favorite directors anymore, as I haven't even seen a quarter of the work of some of them :blush:.. they're probably just filmmakers I admire, enjoy and like to follow closely.. -_-

Someone that's kept me fascinated for the longest time has been Luis Buñuel, I find him so mesmerizing and annoying at the same time that I'm constantly digging for more .. he also feels close to home.. maybe I'm a little biased on that.
I also like the usual bunch.. Wenders, Truffaut, Tarkovsky (what I've seen so far), David Lynch, Von Trier, Godard.. Ken Jacobs!.. even if I never had the patience to watch every minute of Star Spangled to Death. and probably never will. :mellow:
and Raymundo Gleyzer.. :heart:
.. and some relatively fresh talents like Fernando Eimbcke, Sally Potter, Alejandro Iñarritu, Michael Winterbottom..
I love:

Lars von Trier (Dancer In The Dark, The Idiots, Dogville)

Steven Spielberg (Catch Me If You Can, Schindler's List, Jurassic Park, ET, Hook, Indiana Jones, Jaws)

Rob Reiner (The Princess Bride, When Harry Met Sally, Stand By Me, North)
Sam Mendes (American Beauty, Road to Perdition).
Paul Thomas Anderson (Hard Eight, Boogie Nights)
Cameron Crowe (Say Anything, Almost Famous, Singles)
David Lynch.
Stanley Kubrick.

Okay. I know. I'm boring when it comes to film.
Nice thread.

I entered this thread thinking I could easily mention 20 directors, turns out I can't. I definitely have to see more movies, and I have to look into some of the mentioned directors :blush:
I do like, Paul Thomas Anderson, Robert Altman, The Coen Brothers, David Lynch, Lars Von Trier and David Mamet
Ridley Scott (The Gladiator, Black Hawk Down, Matchstick Men, Kingdom of Heaven)

Tony Scott (Enemy of the State, Man on Fire, Domino, Deja Vu)

there are others.....I'll think of them.
Steven Spielberg
Ron Howard
Gore Verbinski
Alfonso Cuaron
Joss Whedon
Peter Jackson

and Jerry Bruckheimer as a producer!
Wes Anderson, completely.

Also, Gus Van Sant, Jean-Pierre Jeunet (Amelie!), Sofia Coppola, Michael Gondry, Terry Zwigoff.
There are quite a few directors that I like but my top 5 favourites are:

Alfred Hitchcock
Billy Wilder
Woody Allen
François Truffaut
Federico Fellini
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Ah yes, I forgot Billy Wilder as dorien and Ziegfeld Girl had mentioned...his movies are fantastic :heart:
Michel Gondry and Wes Anderson are up there for me. Recently I've become a fan of Alfred Hitchcock's films.
I also like what I've seen of Stanley Kubrick and the Coen brothers-but need to see more of their films!
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