What Fashion "Rules" Do You Disagree With?


Active Member
Aug 9, 2004
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The other day, I was having fun trying on some of my clothes and putting together different outfits for fall/winter. I showed one outfit to my mom, and she looked at me weird. I said, "What, you don't like it?" And she said, "You don't wear white pants during the winter." :rolleyes: Who cares????? Who comes up with these stupid "rules"?

So what "rules" do you think are silly and pointless?

Obviously my first is...I don't see the point in restricting certain colors to certain seasons.

Second...I think wearing black and navy together can create an awesome effect if done well.
Everything. People always say 'short people shouldn't wear this' or 'this looks great on slimmer figures'. It has to be specific, everything depends on the shade, length and shape of an item compared to the individual. What wouldn't work on the majority might in one specific case. Wear what you want!
no white after labour day i dont even know what that is lol

dont put navy blue and black together - i do it all the time and it looks good (well i think so)

fat people should wear black because it makes them look thin - erm not really
rules? what rules? :P

I suppose there are quite a few that my mother taught to me when I was growing up, but I pay no attention to them really. when I bought a white leather bag last year - for winter - my mum made a fuss about it because she thought it was odd to carry a white bag in the winter...she finally conceded that it worked when she saw me carrying it with a coat. :wink:

I definitely agree with alex about not confining colours to certain seasons. I wear white after labour day. I wear black and navy together. I mix prints. etc etc. anything goes.

if it LOOKS good, then I don't really care whether or not there is a rule about it.
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I was just thinking about this idea of fashion 'rules' the other day. I realized that when my mother was growing up, a lot of women still wore white gloves! And in general, there were a lot of rules like that, that people had to follow, or else appear out of step or backwards. It was a big deal when Andy Warhol wore jeans to the White House and that jeans were a part of his 'uniform' back in the 60's. I think the idea of there being clear rules is pretty much over in this era, like the 'no white after labor day' kind of prescription. I see lots of redheads wearing pink, people mixing black and blue or red and pink, wearing white in winter. And, on the other hand, I also see people who always carefully match their socks with their shirts.

As for me, I guess I probably break all of the rules that my mom grew up with, but now I'm teaching her to do that too.
my friends dont like it when im wearing tons of colors.
(they tell me that they can spot me from miles away)
but i usually mix 2-3 colors at the same time... monotone clothes are SO not me. :rolleyes:
yesterday i wore a green top, yellow headband, red earrings and a white bag... :heart: bright colors
I have my own fashion rules that I obey because they make me feel good... like no capris/shorts/sandals until i see one person i respect wearing them.. :lol:
okay if you where wearing a cute white suit... blazer and skirt... you should be allowed to wear white heals... isnt there some ancient rule about white pumps :unsure:
Heehee, Prep! You should let that one person you respect wearing them be you :wink:

I agree with everyone else... Rules Schmules! Fashion rules are for the uptight! Wear what looks good on YOU and what makes you feel good B)
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I believe the rule you're referencing, VG, is the "No white shoes before Memorial Day or after Labor Day". And, yes, it's ANCIENT imo. Throw it out the window, I say :lol:
i think most people believe showing your bra is a huge fashion faux pas...or at least its not 'classy'. i think carrie on SATC changed this and showed it can look really cute/sexy if dont properly. im a 10DD so i HAVE to wear a bra with everything, i have no choice but to flash a bit of bra. i never wear boring beige granny bras though...always something black and lacy or cute bright colours. i like how it looks!

and i guess its a bit of a rule not to wear rubber thongs (flip flops) everywhere, but i do. i have about 20 pairs of havianas and i wear them everrrrrywhere....even to the poshest clubs in sydney. we are pretty casual here in sydney so i guess i can get away with it. i like wearing a really dressy/expensive skirt or dress with my havs...mixes it up a bit :wink:

oh and that old rule about not wearing gold and silver together, well i always do!
^ I, too, wear flip flops like crazy. To me, comfort sometimes overrules many things, and it's SO darn easy to just slip on a pair of basic flip flops and go. I don't wear them to clubs, but certainly to many other places during the warm months. :smile:

I love capris. I'm only 5'4, but darnit, I wear them. And I'm not super thin, but I am slender, so I sometimes wear kitten heels with them. :ninja: Sometimes you have to ignore your height issues and just freakin' wear what you want to.
I Hate rules...esp.when it comes to fashion..no one knows what looks good on you more than you do...if you feel comfortable and fab..they screw everyone else!
also, I hate when you buy/wear something, and someone says..OMG thats soo last year! whatever..! If i like it and it still fits.im going to wear it even if its soo passe to wear/carry it now!
omg i always mix silver and gold jewels

i hope i dont get a curse on me from wearing white manalo pumps :lol:
yeah! Who comes up with these stupid rules anyway! :D

Though there are quite a few sensible rules I subscribe to, like don't wear anything that you can't move/breathe/sit in, most of which are related to my comfort, most rules I think are hooey. Usually era-related ones taken out of context, like someone mentioned above.

I think it's better to not be too weighed down with rules, and anyway if everyone followed everything, fashion would be a flatline.
Don't believe in rules - if it feels good & YOU like it, then wear it! :flower:
Who cares what anyone else thinks
multiple prints.



i think they should compliment one another most of the time. they don't have to match. i hate outfits directed around everything matching too well

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