only recently i saw a documentary about her..she is 88 or 89 years old now and she aged so well.staying true to her face and its aging and looking like a grande dame,exquisitely´s good to see that there are famous women (often french actresses)who allow themselves to age with all that belongs to it.i ´d rather look at a totally wrinkled face instead of a mask.audrey hepburn had many wrinkles and she still looked more lovely and beautiful than most younger women.or jeanne moreau-no wrinkle can destroy the magic and expression of this face.
what am i talking about

....doesn´t fit in here at all,sorry,back to the general i´m not a huge fan of the fourties as a decade.after all half if this century was wasted with a horrible war.the fashion doesn´t do mcuh for me either.but there were born quite interesting new movements in films-film noir for example or the italian neorealism-and the result were a lot of fascinating films-roma citta aperta-rossellini,ossessione-visconti,ladri di bicilette -de sica or les enfants du paradis and in hollywood to be or not to be,the third man,the maltese falcon,to have and have not,the big sleep,double indemnity,woman in the window,scarlet street,sorry wrong number,the blue dahlia or the hitchcock films rebecca,suspicion and notorious...and only recently discovered thanks to the olivia de havilland thread now also belonging to my favourites from that decade the snake pit...the list could go on and on....and i forgot,the lost weekend....i can´t think of a filom htat would have shown alcoholism more realistic and gripping as this film did...perhaps films became more realistic becuase they were often filmed in the face of war,death,poverty,loss etc...many strong women emerged too.they had learned to live without their husbands who were fighting in the war.they worked and grew independent.barbara stanwyck,bette davis and joan crawford portrayed such women...and there were others,young ,beautiful and able to ruin every man,rita hayworth,veronica lake,lauren after all,i still don´t like the 40s ,regarding fashion for example, not at all,but oh my goodness,this decade was the cradle for so many great,great films...
and now a little tribute to michele morgan ,sometimes called the french garbo.i just love her trademark trenchcoat with a´s so timeless..unfortunatly again (as usual) the quality of the scans isn´t the best,which is also the fault of the magazine ,which was printed on cheap paper and has faded with the years:
other sources :kinostars-engelmeier ; leading ladies (orbis)
that´s the look which made her famous.i wish they had used a bigger and better picture in the magazine.this is the only pic which shows her with her trench and beret
i front of her bungalow in hollywood
"a return to america ; michele morgan is the ambassador of french fashion"
"aux yeux du souvenir" with the great jean marais ,1948