I think I just had a Hermes attack. Her collection is just - I can hardly breathe. Thank you for these scans MMA! I think I've just found a new life hero in Mathilde.
Thank you for the scans Faith!! I can't help but love Kanye he is so EXTRA - completely over the top. Who else is going to have a painting of themselves descending from the heavens. I nearly died when I saw that. I think he just raised the bar for everyone on earth. Hilarious. He has some intersting things though - he's living up to the the Louis Vuitton Don moniker.
Interesting that David Cameron is trying to cultivate a 'man of the people' image in the UK, but with this interview, they've chosen to play up their rich & well-connected background for a US audience. Hmm. "Be who you are" indeed.
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