Agyness Deyn voted the most annoying person of 2008

Can we add Coco Rocha to the list? rofl
wow,and i always thought most brits had a better grasp of the english language. that crap irritates the hell out of me.

you know what's funny,i don't ever remember models like stella tennant or erin o'connor receiving this much attention,to the point of overkill,in their heyday. and they were better models. agyness seems to be fond of the fame game,for sure.
wow,and i always thought most brits had a better grasp of the english language. that crap irritates the hell out of me.

you know what's funny,i don't ever remember models like stella tennant or erin o'connor receiving this much attention,to the point of overkill,in their heyday. and they were better models. agyness seems to be fond of the fame game,for sure.

but then she's only one person:unsure:

but yeah, i feel so great when a chinaman can speak better english then she speaks:p:lol:
there is no such thing as bad publicity for our style icon! :lol:
what i mean is you rarely hear such speak from brits.
So a bunch of people on BBC Three say that Agyness is annoying. Yes, they find her annoying because they wish they were on the front pages of newspapers, instead of appearing on a TV channel that most people don't watch (and even then, only for the repeats of Doctor Who).

Agyness is simply someone making the most of her opportunities and having fun with fashion. She's got nothing to do with knife crime or financial fraud or any of the things that should be seriously irritating us.
yeah, she is a bit annoying, but still....there are far worse celebs than aggy... including some models. so, it's all just a crap.

can i say crap on TFS?
if not, sorry, cannot blame me for not knowing.
I think the annoyance in question is how self-consciously "cool" she comes off. She's irritating in the same way that most hipsters and scenesters are irritating, they think they're the most awesome thing to walk into any room and worse than that, they usually act like it too.

Don't even get me started on her "style".

I'm fully behind this decision.
The honor should have went to Britney Spears, especially considering that farce of an awards show called the MTV Video Music Awards (VMAs). Basically winning every eligible award just to show off her "Britney: For the Record" bull.
So a bunch of people on BBC Three say that Agyness is annoying. Yes, they find her annoying because they wish they were on the front pages of newspapers, instead of appearing on a TV channel that most people don't watch (and even then, only for the repeats of Doctor Who).

Agyness is simply someone making the most of her opportunities and having fun with fashion. She's got nothing to do with knife crime or financial fraud or any of the things that should be seriously irritating us.

knife crime & financial fraud aren't so much "annoying" as "down right frightening". Laura Hollins doesn't scare me, she annoys me.
For a second i put myself in her shoes and...Poor girl :ninja::rofl:
FINALLY a label for Aggy that is fitting. :buzz:

because "cool" or "edgy" or "zeitgeist" she certainly is NOT. :innocent:
I actually feel kind of sorry for her because it's the media that overexposes her, not Agyness herself. There is probably many celebrities who go to just as many parties but aren't in the tabloids or fashion magazines. Should she just not leave the house? It's not her fault that the media have decided to make her the poster girl of the 'new look', just like they did to Sienna Miller a few years ago (who then became just as overexposed as Agyness). Personally I would have gone with someone who actually puts in the effort to ensure they are overexposed, such as Lindsay Lohan or Paris Hilton.
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knife crime & financial fraud aren't so much "annoying" as "down right frightening". Laura Hollins doesn't scare me, she annoys me.

Yes, I suppose there is the idea that when we read a newspaper, there's so much stuff we feel we can't control or solve, that it's easier to get annoyed about the irrelevant stuff - ie a girl who seems to wear weird stuff for a living.
her style is probably not what's truly annoying BBC3 viewers (?), it's just the fact that people in the UK can't escape it. I'd probably vote for Miley Cyrus if I could.. or the Jonas brothers, precisely because they don't have any substantial effect in my life, I don't care the least bit about them and yet the media, the supermarket, my neighbors, the dentist, my own office, all my surroundings seem to have conspired to shove them down my throat... so yeah they're extremely annoying..
Fortunately for people like Kenneth Lay, they can commit financial fraud, leave strangers in poverty and up until their very last breath, no one (except for those who bothered to do some research) will ever know who they are or what they did. The truly annoyingly destructive people are smart enough to keep anonymity for as long as they last.
by the way, the Aggy media overexposure has reached as minor countries as the good ole land of Oz (Australia).

Catching the train, i'd hear some random suburban bogans gush over how "COOL and like, totally edgy that model Ageeenes is"

so i sympathise with the poor UKers who have to put up with it on an ever bigger and less escapeable scale.
i'm not british and i don't read her or see her on tabloids here.
so far as i've seen, i kinda like her eccentric style
she don't care what people say, she's young, she's got the body, why shouldn't she try every style she wants.
if i have face and body like her, i would dress crazier than her LOL

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