Akris S/S 06 Paris


go red sox
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Review from style.com:

PARIS, October 7, 2005 – The precision with which Albert Kriemler cuts his clothes—to say nothing of the efficiency of his presentation—came as a welcome tonic amid spring's endless frills (the ruffles! the bows! the lace!) and elaborate setups. Backstage, Kriemler described the starting point of his collection as a nude plissé blouse worn by Anjelica Huston in a 1973 Richard Avedon portrait. "It was its simplicity and lightness," he said, "that moved me."

Kriemler did a deft job of charting the season's trends, too, starting with those pleats and continuing with subtle colors including aubergine, mushroom, and smoke. These came together beautifully in a nude (the noncolor of the season), accordion-folded frock with a deep V-back. Embellishments included tulle leaves hand-stitched onto organza; perforated-leather swing coats looked lighter than air; and crocheted cardigans had enough heft to stand in for a blazer. But Akris is really all about those dependably chic pantsuits. To persuade customers who already have a closetful of his short jackets, and perhaps convince new (younger?) ones, Kriemler lengthened his spring styles to the hips, cinched them with a belt, and raised armholes for a look he described as "rock star—but Akris rock star."

– Nicole Phelps



not bad, marta looks amazing, i am in love with her, she is doing every show imaginable.but she flies under the radar so she has longevity, back to akris though...these clothes lack everything worthy of fashin, emotion, direction, i have seen every piece posted so far everything lacks originality like there last spring show.why are designers so afraid of print lately...i think it gives you instant success,aka dries can noten etc
this is fab! it's just classic to me, very simple and chic. the cut seems right...
thank you peacelover142002. :flower:
i like them, very simple and nice... ^_^
but there's nothing special
Thanks peacelover
A great collection! just like last season:heart:!
simple and elegant. i can see myself wearing them all :D
Seriously, I think that it's a great show. Highly wearable and with great quality.
I like it, some outfits more than others but a great collection.
Gorgeous. So clean-cut, elegant, and simple. :wub:

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