Alyssa Sutherland

Spoke too soon.. flipping through Aus Vogue December issue I find a page on the Ralph Lauren 40th Anniversary party in New York, to which Aus Vogue invited NY-based Aussie models, and guess who was there? Alyssa and Laurence. She looked stunning in her dress, and they make a gorgeous couple. :wub:

my scan :flower:
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Here's another tidbit for you Alyssa fans:

It's a page with info about a new acting project she's doing. There's a link to a trailer that features her.

I just got a chance to check this out, it looks fabulous! It's cheered me up.. at the moment out here my small outback town's flooded. There's 3 foot of water flowing through the lower storey of our house and we've been evacuated to a friend's place. They don't have speakers on their pc but even without sound the trailer looks great!

So is this a movie or a series? I've read in a few places that Alyssa had new acting projects coming up, how bloody fantastic to get a lead role when so new to acting! She looks beautiful in it. I've got Day on Fire coming to me and can't wait to see that, now I'll have to track down this one too. :buzz:

Come back, YDM, and tell us more! :D
Very cool, I'd love to meet her myself! Next time you see her let her know how happy and proud we are with all she's done and accomplished, it's awesome to see her moving into acting and doing so well. :D
I just got a chance to check this out, it looks fabulous! It's cheered me up.. at the moment out here my small outback town's flooded. There's 3 foot of water flowing through the lower storey of our house and we've been evacuated to a friend's place. They don't have speakers on their pc but even without sound the trailer looks great!

So is this a movie or a series? I've read in a few places that Alyssa had new acting projects coming up, how bloody fantastic to get a lead role when so new to acting! She looks beautiful in it. I've got Day on Fire coming to me and can't wait to see that, now I'll have to track down this one too. :buzz:

Come back, YDM, and tell us more! :D

Sorry to hear about the flooding! Send the water to Brisbane...apparently they need it there! The trailer is for a series, it seems, though I don't have lots of details yet. Will provide more when I get them.
Aw that's okay, thank you! Floods are due to peak today, but it's looking like the levee will hold and we won't go any further under. And yes, Brisbane need the water, but then so did we until a week ago! Ten years of drought, then ten years' worth of water all at once. :doh:

A series for Alyssa sounds fantastic, what networks are showing it over there? Thanks for all your info. :D
Watched Day on Fire this morning.. Alyssa is beautiful in it, but talk about bloody disturbing! :shock:

Am now waiting impatiently for Huge to start screening, I read more on that site and it seems it's an online show, the episodes will be on that site? Fantastic for me living out here, I'll actually be able to see it! :p
Peter Alexander is shooting campaigns for his move into the US market. He's done his first one with Cheyenne Tozzi, and is shooting the second with Alyssa in South Africa. She did PA years ago, 2002 I think, I can't wait to see the new shots!
i seriously miss her... so i was delighted when i saw her in a schwarzkopf brillance commercial! so very beautiful :heart:
I thought I replied to this page of the thread? It's gone.. anyway, that's not a repost Hermetic and thanks very much! :buzz:

Am missing her too, R-(to-tha)-G, she was stunning on the catwalk and fantastic in eds. :(
HA! Guys thats the ad I was talking about , sorry but I really couldnt find it :shock::doh: I really would have scanned it though but now at least its scanned:doh: It was in the December 2007 issue of marie claire france :flower:
So its fairly recent and I have not forgotten the candid either I'm onto that :flower::heart:
Candid, candid candid.. candid, candid, candid!!! Hurry up with that candid already, you big tease!!! :p:lol::clap::bounce:
Posted especially for iggy190cm and FrankieP

Day On Fire Portrait session

credit : Captain Jack Sparrow @ TCC
Thank you for thinking of us, Mattheus! I've loved that photoset for ages.

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