Androgyny In Fashion And Models

I adooore androgynity, both in fashion/media and in real life. Slimane's diaries are absolutely one of the best places to find pictures of gorgeous androgyneous boys (and girls). Lots of ama-zing pictures in this thread :woot:

i agree...i love his pictures!
androgyny is my dream come true. boys that look like girls, girls that look like boys. does it get any hotter? no.
What is Patrick's relation to fashion and models? Not trying to be snarky but I've hesitated to put him in this thread myself.
i suppose a tie-in could be his appearance in the burberry campaign?
either way, he is rather fantastic, that image particularly.
Zhang Jing is amazing

As a girl



As a boy



and a 'natural' photo


androgyny is my dream come true. boys that look like girls, girls that look like boys. does it get any hotter? no.

i know what u mean!!
i personally have short hair but i like it kinda girly apart from that...i always wear dresses
last week i was kinda boyish dressed and so many guys complimented me on looking gorgeous :rofl:
haha cute. they say san francisco is where all the lesbians are the most beautiful boys in the city. haha its so true. some of those girls were just... HOT!
hahaha Well lesbian or no lesbian, anyone can appreciate it. haha.
haha cute. they say san francisco is where all the lesbians are the most beautiful boys in the city. haha its so true. some of those girls were just... HOT!
It works the other way around as well... Some of the most beautiful girls are the boys too:lol:
now i have another reason to visit san francisco? haha
i think girls and boys are just tired of their initial identity really, it's nice to swap identity once in a while
san francisco is the ****. i want to move back so bad. yes. the androgyny is worth the visit. haha.
egle's got the look in this one.

this is my new desktop background.

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There are some awesome pics in here!
I'm all for adrogyny <3
I incorporate it in my personal style and I love to see it in a guy as well <3
I've written in this thread before, just thought I'd elaborate my view on androgyny. I'm very androgyneous myself, and I love to enhance it through style and makeup. I usually wear makeup, nailpolish and androgyneous clothes, and I generally love genderbending and blurring of lines. I'm not interested in beeing a girl, I'm perfectly happing running back and forth :lol: It's nothing more fun than standing at a public bathroom washing your hands when someone enters, and have to turn around to check if they entered the right room :rolleyes:
^i know what u mean...usually i mix it all up...wear something really girly, like a girly dress, a bow in my hair, nailpolish and red lipstick and then breaking the rules by wearing something really boyish like a pair of these Oliver Twist shoes...
its prob not really androgyny but i like it
^ As long as you mix some gender-specifics, I don't think there are anyone writing down rules about what is and what isn't androgyneous ;)

edit: shameless self-exposure:


{picture of me, photographer Therese Elida Mittet}
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ive seen ur pics in the Pictures of Us thread and i think i gave u karma cos i think u look f***ing ace!