My "official" status of orientation is a heterosexual male that's very slightly bi-curious. I took this into account in envisioning a homme with feminine beauty traits speaking as a male. I guess in much the same way I could be drawn to Jessica Alba or Penelope Cruz (at least for a feathered dress she wore at one awards show last year or two years ago) for their beauty, I think there are some males out there that even us guys would admit being beautiful people.
This might be a hint off-topic, but it is a topic that fascinates me. A heterosexual girl can comment on another girl's beauty, or her sexy legs, or her big boobs and nobody lifts an eyebrow. But if you ever heard a heterosexual man commenting on how beautiful Johnny Depp is, or how they admire mister Beckham's chest-muscles (ok, cheep example but you get the general picture) - you'd draw the conclusion that "uhm, okey, he is gaaahaay!"
And by the way, I love your use of the world "official"!! Here's a flower
Muxu - no, I think it's a description of the male side of it. The female side of the same coin (the "add-some-sides-generally-assosiated-with-the-opposite-sex"-coin) came quite a while ago with the feminism, industrialism and, of course, with YSL's
Le Smoking The strong, individual business-woman with a diploma from Harvard and killer heels in her pant-suit. You know the stereotype. The meterosexual man came with the pink polo-shirts, more vanity, more softness, more awareness of beautyproducts and skincare etc. (sadly, the
meterosexual man has turned from a nice concept to a (at least where I live) word to describe rich daddy-boys with too much gel in their hair and the feminine prep)