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Lagerfeld was an important figure in your professional life. Do you owe more to women or men?
Anja Rubik: There are a lot of women who helped me along the way, maybe even more than men. I will put it this way: I am more open to helping women than men. I do not know why. Do I subconsciously assume that there is some subtext in man's help? Is this a strange competition between the sexes? I never thought about it, but if you asked me, I think I prefer to receive help from a woman than from a man.
There's some kind of shyness about men in you.
Maybe yes. When I meet a man, I immediately mark the limits. Always been like that. People think I'm definitely more confident than I really am. When I go to restaurants, cafes, anywhere, men don't approach me. I have to send some signs that they are afraid of me. Maybe it was influenced by the fact that I started living independently at such a young age and slowly grew up emotionally, but I never liked how men picked me up. I think I developed a body language that sends men a "stop" signal before they even dare.
You can't flirt.
And I never learned it. Many girls use sex appeal, beauty to help themselves in their careers or even in everyday life, even at the gas station when refueling. They often pretend to be more fragile, vulnerable and helpless than they are. I have some friends like that. I see how they do it perfectly, and I see how men easily get it. This is an amazing skill. But I don't have it and I didn't want to have it. I was always a self-made Sophie, I didn't want to owe anyone anything, I gave away even a part of the success I was building myself. Besides, maybe I inherited it from my parents, wherever I go, I have to work hard for it. It gives me satisfaction.
What components do you have happiness?
Freedom, independence, family, animals that I love, nature, every new project, because I really like to get involved. Music is very important to me, film ... I can exchange it for a long time. What exactly are you asking about? I feel like I haven't given you the right answer.
And love where?
Oh yeah love! I didn't say love. All in all funny, because when I say "family", it is related to love. Sex is also important ... Well, can we start from the beginning? (laugh). Love is very important. Being enchanted by someone releases amazing feelings, then you are happy.
I wasn't going to talk to you about politics, but the vision of "three years imprisonment for Anja Rubik for sex education" electrified my imagination.
Absurd, I can't name it otherwise. Especially that in this draft amendment to the Criminal Code it is written that even parents at home can not talk to their child about safe sex. In Poland, you can legally have sex from the age of 15, i.e. for three years a young man will not be able to find out what safe sex is, how to put on a condom, what are the infections that can become infected. He won't hear anything. Even informed consent.
I have to admit that punishing sex education imprisonment is shocking. Do you sometimes feel like you're kicking with a horse?
I often have this feeling. Did you know that the signatures for this project were collected by the "Stop pedophiles" organization? For me, this connection is abstract. Ever since I started sex education, sometimes I wake up in the morning, read a comment or, for example, hear a statement by an expert from the Ministry of Education who claims that contraception leads to even more pregnancies, and those who use and get pregnant will do abortion, I think this horse is huge (laughs).
But you keep digging.
An hour or two passes and I gain energy and courage again, because it can't be like that. Since I have the opportunity to do something positive, I will do it.
Have you ever found yourself in some extreme situation?
I had a rather drastic situation with my apartment. Public television broadcast a program in which - in a nutshell - it was 'revealed' that I threw an elderly lady out on the street, took over the flat, paid for it, and now it is worth a lot of money. They showed the house, revealed the address, hate and hunt began, because people immediately believed what they heard. I was scared then how easily you can manipulate the masses. I was scared because people know me, I have been a public figure for many years, they know what I do, my views, principles, they should understand that I would never do such a thing in my life.
Some know, others are easy to manipulate. Maybe just say it clearly.
The whole interview with Anja Rubik in the latest Viva! deluxe at kiosks from Thursday, October 17. Interviewed by Beata Nowicka.This is absolutely not true. Anyway, after what happened together with the developer, we traced the history of the entire tenement house to the 1930s, we know what hands went through, who was the owner, everything is documented. I bought an empty flat, no one was ever thrown out, because nobody lived there, there was no old lady. After the program, in the presence of my lawyer, I made an official statement regarding these slander and lies and demanding an apology from TVP.
Anja Rubik and Sasha Knezevic divorced in friendship. It was the most difficult decision in the life of the model. None of them were happy in this marriage, they decided not to torture themselves. They met when they were very young and at some point their paths began to diverge. They started a new life. In the latest conversation with Beata Nowicka, Anja Rubik told about how her relationship with Sasha influenced her and what her everyday life looks like today.
You say, "People know who I am ..." It is true. From the perspective of two decades, do you think that a trip to Paris when you were 16 was a good decision?
Anja Rubik: Yes, very good. If I had to turn back time, I would do the same, just now I would leave a little later, because it was unnecessary at the age of 16. I followed my dreams: a girl from Częstochowa, with her parents, veterinarians, who had nothing to do with the fashion world, no contacts, not even a vision. It shaped me, gave me a voice. Shaped as a woman. But the beginnings were really hard. I lived in Paris like a terrible recluse. I didn't get along very well with my peers, and at the same time I was too young or too scared to make friends with someone from the world of fashion. Ambitious and introverted, serious. It meant that I didn't have a loose approach to work and life. I took everything seriously. I have learned a lot in the last six years, I have learned a lot about myself, I understood various behaviors that I do not like, which disturb me in my life, which I have to change.
What was the turning point?
I began to change when I met Sasha, my ex-husband. He had a different, very light approach to life. This was the first change. Then, when we got divorced, the biggest came. After a divorce, you are left alone, you do not have a person to whom you return, with whom you do different things every day. Suddenly you have a lot more time and you don't know what to do with it. I had the feeling that I was standing still and I hate stagnation. I knew that I had to open myself to other people, I met one person, then another, I slowly entered the world of art and film, I started to do things other than fashion. I gained distance to my work, to fashion.
I think this girl, this recluse is in you all the time.
Probably it is. I just opened up more with age. Although the trip to Paris was my conscious decision and I knew that I could always come back, I was afraid. I don't really know what.
Yesterday Mariusz Szczygieł got Nike for "Nie ma", a book where, writing about the fact that there is not this, that, this or something ... he really describes what is. What is not in your life?
(silence). I know what is not there, but ... I wonder whether to say it.
Let's try.
After all, I miss one place that I call home. I live a little everywhere and I will always live a little everywhere. I will never have only one place that I do not move from, but I called home only the place where the other person with whom I shared my life was. I'm meeting someone right now, but we're not at this stage yet. So I miss this home that I always go back to, wherever you are. I do not know if this makes sense?
It has.
Parting with Sasha was extremely difficult for me. Because when we lived together, I worked a lot, but I always came back to where he was. We've created our home. And then, suddenly, I found myself in a position that I could actually do anything. This is obviously fantastic, but on the other hand it was sad at the same time: well, no one needs me, I don't have to be anywhere, nobody is waiting for me. Now, Charlie, my dog, is waiting, but I lack such emotional stability a little. And besides, there is no time in my life. I wish the day had more hours so that I could do more.