What is the coldest you’ve ever been in your life? The hottest?
About 27 minus degrees(Celsius) on a skiing slope in Norway.
The warmest was Death Valley 15 years ago.
If you could have a casual conversation by a fireplace with any author, living or deceased, to which writer would you choose to chat?
J. K. Rowling. I'd like to talk with someone who created such a complex and captivating universe. Also I've heard she wrote some of the books under difficult conditions as a single mother and I find that sort of motherhood survival gene admirable.
What is one site or place that blew you away when you first saw it in person because of how tall, massive, or grandiose it was compared to how you had envisioned it?
Every year I go skiing in the alps. During that year I forget how big and beautiful the snow covered mountains are and it surprises me every time.
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