Apparel Market Testing : How & Can It Be Improved?

Jun 13, 2022
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Hello all :smile:

My name is Beyonte Fontaine, I am currently conducting research on apparel market testing. I would love to speak with you about how fashion designers test new designs before they are released to the public (To be more specific, is there a method that fashion designers use to test the demand of a new design, to see how well it might do before its release?) and if there are any platforms which assist with this process.
Hello all :smile:

My name is Beyonte Fontaine, I am currently conducting research on apparel market testing. I would love to speak with you about how fashion designers test new designs before they are released to the public (To be more specific, is there a method that fashion designers use to test the demand of a new design, to see how well it might do before its release?) and if there are any platforms which assist with this process.

There have been some attempts in the past to create social media platforms based on dressing on apparel that could then generate useful data for manufacturers and retailers. However, I can't think of a single one anymore so I don't think any of them were successful.

You may want to check out StyleHint, which I believe is owned by UNIQLO.

In general, most brands and retailers have what they call test programs where they will produce new items in a limited batch to see how they do before they produce it in larger numbers. I'm talking like 2,000 units versus 100,000.
In Japan, more and more brands use the pre-order model in which they release the product photoshoot to estimate the numbers. Once the product is released and sold well, they will increase the numbers. Of course, you have to have a reliable supply chain to achieve it.

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