Art - Best Viewed Alone or With Friends?'s like shopping, it's great to go with girlfriends but dont really accomplished much while giggling, laughing and cracking jokes... git my drift?
It's been so long since I've been to the museum here, it's been renovating for something like the last 6 years. I like to go with a friend or two and talk about what we're looking at.
i feel awkward going into an exhibition alone sometimes, especially if it's a small local gallery... like you stand out so much and also if it's during an opening :neutral: in that case, i go with someone and we split up :magic:
Hm i usually go alone, i have the opportunity to go with people allot of the time but its more special when i go solo lol
that depends on my mood. I like strolling through museums on my own but sometimes its great to have some friends with you to discuss the works because every person sees/recognizes different things.
I think when I observe art myself, I tend to learn more about myself than the art. When I discuss art with others, I learn more about the art. *shrug* but I'm sure it goes both ways. I enjoy doing both.
I'd say art is best viewed alone first and then discussed with friends, so one person's strong opinion doesn't overshadow another's. I like letting people make up their own minds. The conversations are more interesting this way...
i think it depends on the friends/company you keep....
for me, it depends on what kind of mood i'm in.
i like to do things like movies, museums with my hubby because he appreciates that sort of thing....
now, don't get me wrong, i like to visit a museum by fact that is what i am planning to do this friday......
if i go with friends they have to appreciate art and at least be interested in it. because if you are with someone who is disinterested...they can put a damper on your experience.
I have to give my honest opinion and say that art is better viewed (for me) alone. When I go with any friends, they don't want to take a piece of art for artistic value but have to speak their minds-- it's nagging for me in one perspective or another because it's like they're not only distracting me but also making me feel like I can't enjoy the serenity and true message of the work. I'm not a person that works well in a team, but I simply get so much more value out of art when I do so on my own. :p
it really does depend on my mood...

if i'm in a big, vast museum i like to be alone most of the time..
especially if there aren't many people there..
then, it's kind of like it's just you and the art..

i love that feeling..
where you're just sort of standing there, taking it in..
almost breathing it in and absorbing the piece in total silence..
it's almost calming..

i love it :heart:

but if i'm in a smaller, sort of gallery setting and i'm viewing something more contemporary it's often better to have someone there and hear their take on the pieces..
Both ways. Sometimes alone, sometimes with friends or family...But I think I enjoy it most/best alone for some reason :)
But I think I enjoy it most/best alone for some reason :)

Same here. The first time I want to enjoy it alone to later share it with friend or family. That's how it works best for me, but there are exceptions, like when looking at art together with someone of the same.
For me, I wouldn't mind visiting a museum with a friend who only makes thoughtful comments about the artwork in question, but I don't like it when theres the constant chattering in your ear- I'm sure no one wants that when you're admiring work of any kind- Whenever I go somewhere with my family we're almost sure to visit a Museum if there is one, but they make their way so quickly to the exit signs I'm not entirely sure whether they realised they were in a museum :shock: its not possible to appreciate anything at the rate they move. At times like that I wish I was alone, could go at my own pace.
i went to an art museum with a guy friend recently and it was AWFUL. he kept talking and we basically ran through the museum...done in 20 mins. barely looked at anything properly. i was sooo pissed off.

so disappointing especially since i've been dying to go that particular museum for AGES. god next time i'm going alone or taking a considerate friend who is also interested in art....
I'm actually going to sound like a geek but I love going to museums with my parents. My mother and I have very similar tastes in art, especially paintings, and I always find it interesting to hear my dad analyze a piece. I don't mind going to museums by myself though, if I just want to be alone, paintings or photographs really relax me

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