Austrian, German and Swiss Models

^I'm not sure if she even is signed to an agency in Switzerland. She was discovered by a fashion intern for 20min Friday early this year while she was shopping with her friends and got an editorial in the magazine. She's not on Option or Visage's website.
Are there actually renowned agency in Switzerland other than Option and Visage? Everytime I am in Zürich I see great girls but somehow these agencies seem not to get it, all they sign are boring chics. Same to Wiener Models of Austria in a way, they still consider Ilvie Wittek to be the new Iris Strubegger.
There's also Fotogen but they're the kind of agency that signs GNTM rejects and such. The only good Swiss model they discovered is Anja Leuenberger. But I believe she only got big in Switzerland because she walked all the shows at the Fashion Days Zurich and she caught everyone's attention for being super sweet and fun. It must be frustrating for models in Switzerland because there's almost no HF work so you end up doing Migros commercials and walking fashion shows in malls, lol.

I also think there are lots of girls with a lot of potential around, especially in Zurich and Berne.
Lilli B at Place Models Hamburg :heart:



(via Place Models)

Little sidenote: Maike K who I posted in #918 just signed with Marilyn Agency and she'll head to Paris on 22 August, I think.

(my email file)

Teresa from the beautiful Münster... She's so super leggy and has great agencies in Europe I've heard.
^Is Model Management her motheragency? I remember her seeing on the Eskimo Models website.
Eskimo is a scouting agency - so they should be the mother agency but the girl is German.
Another interesting one that I just discovered on their page:

Lara Babetzke 1,78 83/62/89

Model Management in Hamburg (mother agency)
Angels & Demons Paris











Sources: Angels & Demons & Model Management in Hamburg
Really? I find that mouth/nose portion pretty special to tell you the truth. Well let's see how she'll develop.
Hard to believe but this is an early 90ies pic of actress Alexandra Kamp when she used to model >

Source: my own scan
Sarah Kees:

IMG Worldwide -> Marilyn Agency Paris, Union Models, Joy Model Management...

New snaps:



my file
Seems like Germany has it's very own Andrej Pejic (I guess there are more models who changed their sex anyway) and the girl is coming from the city I live in!

When I first saw her in a club, I thought wow this girl has skinnier legs than the models and only a month ago or so a friend of mine told me that the friend of someone I know vaguely, the one we sometimes see in the club was born as a guy and I was like what? They say she's done the full surgery and is a woman now. And just an hour ago some facebook friend of mine became friends with her, I naively clicked on that profile and see that she likes Select model management, I go to their site and find her there. You can tell that she has harsh features and doesn't live healthy.

I feel like I shouldn't give away more information, maybe she really wants it and unless she becomes really big nobody needs to find out I guess. I'm just so curious if Select knows since she has no penis you know :rofl: they would market it, no? In times of Andrej, Lea T. and Valentijn this could push her. I don't even want to imagine what she went through. It's just so funny that I see her all haggard in many clubs where I live.
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