Baby Phat shoes

I actually prefer the BP version because they look more like leopard print than the Dior ones.
as much as i love over-the-top shoes...

these are :ninja: TOO over the top

i did see a couple of styles i liked once- they were more, um, restrained
Do you suppose Ms Simmons means them to be like a low-rent version of Versace?
BRIAN !!! fancy meeting you here in TACKY LAND :-)

BUT... these are SOOOOO tacky -- yes I agree, gals, with that assessment -- that I want a pair too... of these:

picture from eBay, what else. Are these ghetto fab or what? Perfect with low rise stretc jeans and a slinky Baby Phat top. But you can't have one extra pound of weight on you, nooooooooooo...
of course I'd have to become a completely different person ("CDP") than I am (check my profile, you'll find my age & occupation -- NOT Baby Phat material at all) to wear these, but there is always an opportunity out there (even in my "all business" life) for disguise as a CDP.....I LOVE IT!
The style they made that I liked- looked exactly like this-

but was croco print, not the real thing
and came in black, white and red I believe

and it was less than $100.00, a bargain compared to the 2000.00 or so for the manolos-

I wish I'd gotten them :(

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