look at this pic from VS Swim 2013. i'm sorry --- but Barbara needs to do whatever she can to get back with this company, because when i look at this pic, i see STAR. i see potential for HUUUGE and long career with VS. and i know that they really loved her and wanted to push her. we all know what the deal is, and maybe she's happier not being as disciplined (re: exercise) as the main VS girls (Karlie, Candice, Doutzen, Adriana, etc) obviously are. but maaaannn it's such a shame. because they really need a model with this look in their roster. and frankly, they really need a model who doesn't have a six-pack and more muscle definition than an Olympian, as well. and there's nobody else out there that has quite the same potential, as Barbara. not that i can see, anyway.
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