Bono Slams 'whingeing Rock Stars'

why pissed, because he speaks his mind a little too much?

about avril, why would he listen to her?
Originally posted by kragirl@Dec 7 2004, 06:53 PM
about avril, why would he listen to her?

Ahh! It was just an example!

All I was thinking about was an artist that has been really rude toward his/her fans, and her name was the first that sprung to mind - whether Bono listens to her or not, I don't know, but I was just thinking up a name.
Originally posted by Misako@Dec 7 2004, 08:04 PM
Ahh! It was just an example!

All I was thinking about was an artist that has been really rude toward his/her fans, and her name was the first that sprung to mind - whether Bono listens to her or not, I don't know, but I was just thinking up a name.

I was just saying that's all, but i agreed initially about being rude to your fans, i know that the life of having strange people like you is at first creepy for a young person but seriously, that is what pr's publicists and agents are for.
Well, I think stars have to sort of understand that these people (even if creepy) emulate them and like them because of what them do. It kind of comes with the stardom package - they wouldn't be "big" if everyone hated them, so I think (kinda of what Bono says) is that they should respect their fans.

And the only reason I said what I just said before was because someone had said the same thing on the first page about why I mentioned Avril, and I'd already explained why.
Originally posted by AlexN+Dec 7 2004, 04:14 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(AlexN @ Dec 7 2004, 04:14 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'>He's probably talking about the fact that most current pop rock stuff is all whiny and complaining. It's a bunch of phony, pretentious crap under the guise of truly emotional music...a bunch of rich, perfect kids/people with nothing to complain about, complaining about how terrible their lives are and how depressed they are.

Examples: Dashboard Confessional, Jimmy Eat World, Blink 182, Staind, Avril Lavigne, Evanescence, Nickelback, Linkin Park, most bands who label themselves "emo", ad infinitum... Turn on the radio, and you'll quickly find an example.


@Dec 7 2004, 03:02 PM
I don't see why he pisses everybody off so much. Is it because he's political? He's been political since the early days of U2, since the late 70's. That's just who he is. If it's not because of his politics, I'm not sure what it's about? I respect the man. This guy gets no sleep, I don't know how he does it all.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :flower:

And Bono - :punk:
i think bono has the right to say whatever he wants about the music industry: he knows it better than anyone and i've always admired how he keeps his feet on the ground and along with the music does so much for charity and politics. He's right up there on my list of legends. After all that success, he could just become as up himself as the one hit wonders (justin darkness anyone??) but he doesn't.

yes, i am still angry that bloody justin from the darkness thought he could take his line on the band aid song. I can't stand celebs who've been successful for 5 minutes who shoot their mouths off like that. The line is Bono's, no one else's!!
Originally posted by tangerine@Dec 7 2004, 12:30 AM

Much as I loved Nirvana, I always think of Kurt Cobain as the ultimate in whingeing rock stars.

woah, woah...cobain wasnt whining...he was seriously depressed...lets leave the dead geniuses alone...bono, like others have said, was probably referring to the talentless bunch that complains about how much they have to do when in fact, they should be thankful there are people even listening to their mediocre arses
Originally posted by Erin@Dec 7 2004, 02:02 PM
I don't see why he pisses everybody off so much. Is it because he's political? He's been political since the early days of U2, since the late 70's. That's just who he is. If it's not because of his politics, I'm not sure what it's about? I respect the man. This guy gets no sleep, I don't know how he does it all.

I agree 100%. You can't deny the good work the man has done and if uses his fame to get more money for African AIDS victims, then more power to him. I'd rather listen to Bono talk about real issues than to listen to some idiot bragging about his ten houses, five Bentleys, and closetfuls of Gucci. :ninja:
Originally posted by sugarpea@Dec 7 2004, 11:38 PM
woah, woah...cobain wasnt whining...he was seriously depressed...lets leave the dead geniuses alone...bono, like others have said, was probably referring to the talentless bunch that complains about how much they have to do when in fact, they should be thankful there are people even listening to their mediocre arses

Yea, I don't know where that came from :huh:
Originally posted by sugarpea@Dec 8 2004, 12:38 AM
woah, woah...cobain wasnt whining...he was seriously depressed...lets leave the dead geniuses alone...bono, like others have said, was probably referring to the talentless bunch that complains about how much they have to do when in fact, they should be thankful there are people even listening to their mediocre arses

true, but when you make up your mind about, not letting god decide that first, whether your child should grow up without having a father than the sh*t has beyond hit the fan. I know he probably thought he was doing the best he could but leaving courtney to raise (oh god) that poor kid by herself, you know she's gonna have some issues such as men, or narcotics by the time she's 25 years old. a sad commentary
Originally posted by kragirl@Dec 8 2004, 11:12 AM
true, but when you make up your mind about, not letting god decide that first, whether your child should grow up without having a father than the sh*t has beyond hit the fan. I know he probably thought he was doing the best he could but leaving courtney to raise (oh god) that poor kid by herself, you know she's gonna have some issues such as men, or narcotics by the time she's 25 years old. a sad commentary

You guys are concentrating on his mental problems, but you are forgetting that he practically lived in physical pain due to his health problems.
well, that i didn't know much about, but still, having courtney as the only parent, seriously needs a two-no-none for that (the latter part means you need to be checked for doing something cdc like, out of this world in front of your own peers
Originally posted by oanadobre@Dec 8 2004, 09:53 AM
Not to mntion he's cute!!! :P :P :blush: :blush:

Orrrr... at least he was circa '93 :blush:

Usually Bono keeps his mouth shut about other stars, and this is an unusual thing for him, to even talk badly about somebody else in the music biz. Of course, he didn't address anybody straight out (of course he wouldn't), but I'm sure some of the older, more established artists feel the same.

I feel that 80% of the music today from new artists is blistering crap. That's what it is. And about the same percentage goes to ungrateful "musicians". Avril is right up there, I've never liked her. She has to learn to appreciate her fans - that's why she is where she is. And Christina Aguilera should keep her mouth shut, too. I respect stars if they don't complain about their situation or the whole entertainment business. Britney Spears doesn't complain, and Gwen Stefani I think is the gold standard - she seems to be 100% grateful for what she's got, and never bad-mouthes anything or anybody. That, to me, is respectful.
Originally posted by faust@Dec 8 2004, 08:20 AM
You guys are concentrating on his mental problems, but you are forgetting that he practically lived in physical pain due to his health problems.

A lot of people suffer chronic pain, but they take prescribed medications and don't leave their children fatherless. Faust, I don't believe for a minute you would abandon your child, no matter how much pain you were in.

I said Cobain was a genius and I meant it. I don't doubt that he suffered terribly, both psychically and physically. But I don't believe in abandoning children and sending a message to the people who adore you, that life isn't worth living. Especially when you are in financial position to get treatment for your problems.
now that's what i was trying to say, see nobody like to address that, i guess out of respect for him not being here to defend himself, but somebody needs ot say it and it will have an affect on that girl. Everybody's scared to say it, but if he was a normal citizen (not famous) than his feet dead or not, would have been held to the fire, somewhat at least.
Plus, when Cobain was alive, he made clear that he wasn't
"comfortable" with being a rock star (same with Eddie pain-in-the-a** Vedder). Like Liam (or Noel, whatever) Gallagher said once, if you don't wanna be famous then go work as a McDonalds' clerk. Leave it to those who can manage it - or at least will make it 'til they're older than 27.
uh...when people have serious depression, they cant exactly think its unfair to say that cobain was selfish or whatnot for leaving his daughter sure he considered that but when you are seriously depressed and think life isnt worth living you cant seriously consider the ramifications of your potential suicide...the mental pain clouds your mind...
Originally posted by sugarpea@Dec 8 2004, 07:43 PM
uh...when people have serious depression, they cant exactly think its unfair to say that cobain was selfish or whatnot for leaving his daughter sure he considered that but when you are seriously depressed and think life isnt worth living you cant seriously consider the ramifications of your potential suicide...the mental pain clouds your mind...

I do not mean to make light of clinical depression. It is dead serious, pun intended. And to refer to your previous post, it is quite likely that Bono was referring to living artists, though I can't bring myself to refer to the likes of Avril Lavigne as an artist or even a rock star. Poseur would be more like it.

It is only my opinion that Kurt Cobain complained too much about his success. It is my opinion that when you have a child, that child's welfare is more important than your own. I think it is a tragedy that Kurt died when he did, the way he did, but it is his daughter who will have to live with it the longest.

I do respect your point of view. :flower:

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