Brightly Colored Accessories


Feb 7, 2004
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Alright.. so I have these really bright fuschia slingbacks and a pair of bright green ones too...

It's so hard to wear them because I don't want to match the shoes exact to a pair of pants, shirt or skirt....

What do you do when you have a pair of really bright shoes or a bag...

Do you wear the bright shoes with a similar color? or with a completely opposite color...

I'm just kinda lost when it comes to bright colored accessories.. mostly shoes.

I do with complimenting colors that aren't too don't wanna look like a neon street sign.

Like right now I got orange heels on.
Its paired with a light spring green shirt w/yellow lace hems, black velvet jacket, jean skirt, orange bag.

I never wear a skirt, pant,capri etc. that is too colorful so it doesnt clash with the shoes...I keep color usually to my tops.

Also you can never go wrong with bright accessories and black or white clothing...Its easier to pair that way and it brings the attention straight to the accessories.
Also you can never go wrong with bright accessories and black or white clothing...Its easier to pair that way and it brings the attention straight to the accessories

True, true...I just made a cravat out of electric blue silk mesh/gauze stuff which is going to be worn with a black suit tonight...

Alternatively you can just do the Versace trick of looking like you were on an acid trip when you got dressed...when carefully considered this can actually look quite good...
I'm always scared to go too crazy with color... When it comes to dressing myself, that is...

But I have all of these bright shoes and bags... and no clue as to how to match them.

The other day I wore my fuschia heels... black pants... and a lighter pink top.. it probably looked horrible. :blink:
Also you can never go wrong with bright accessories and black or white clothing...Its easier to pair that way and it brings the attention straight to the accessories.

Perfect...I have a yellow bag that I love, but only wear it with black or white solids on top...I would recommend not matching brightly colored shoes with pants or skirts...

The other day I wore my fuschia heels... black pants... and a lighter pink top.. it probably looked horrible.

Next time, you could consider wearing a top with a print that has fuschia in it to match your shoes...wear it with black or white pants so that your top and your shoes will complement each other... :flower:

nuff said...
I agree with softgrey. Denim goes with anything.

You could wear your bright pink slingbacks with darker colours, thats what I would normally do..I dont feel the need to always match colours with whatever Im wearing.
I don't go crazy with the color of my outfit, but I do have many many colored (some are bright) shoes, I just wear plain simple outfit with shoes like that, such as black or grey or white.
i wear brightly colored shoes almost everyday when I go out...

you can wear anything with them, my favorite looks is to use similar colors in the same value and one accessory or item that pulls several colors together

ex. bright orange patent leather shoes
dark jeans
lime green lace top
white blazer with turquoise flowers
lime green purse with a turquoise and orange scarf

you can totally use lots of bright colors together without looking like an 80's attack or just plain insane if you have fun with them.
I wear brightly-colored shoes with neutrals, like greys, black, and cream. One of my favorite things to do in fact ^_^

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