Carly Pope


Active Member
Nov 28, 2005
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Carly Pope was born on August 28, 1980, in Vancouver, British Columbia. In 1998, she made her television debut in "I've Been Waiting For You." Carly also has starred as Sam McPherson in "Popular" and as Maya on "The Collector." Her movie credits include "Snow Day" and "Trapped In A Purple Haze." She plays a hollywood drug dealer on the new show "Dirt".

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i really liked her in popular, too bad that show ended so soon but her lips are just huuuuge! :shock:
She always looks as if shes pushing her lips out...Angelina does this too.
kateelle...i was JUST thinking of making a thread for carly pope today! seriously! i guess we must be on the same wavelength. thanks for starting this thread. i loved her in Popular and also saw her in Purple Haze...i didn't know she was in Dirt, though....i don't watch much tv nowadays. anyway, i'll try to dig up some pictures of her. :)
i liked her a lot with bangs.



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i liked her in popular. but she's too... too...

i dont know i dont like her look so much
i loved popular. :p
she's one of these people i kind of assumed no longer existed, since i have no use for her.
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