Caroline Celico

In Madrid, 2010


portal caras
Carol is also a pastor, here a little interview about faith and her life


Through this channel, you will see some frequent asked questions about the Bible, the Christian faith e how different life can be when God is present.

1. I listen to people say that they have accepted Jesus and their lives have changed since then. What does accepting Jesus mean, after all?
I always say that He is just like a friend who’s not invasive, and that is always knocking on your door until the moment you open it. When you tell him: “You may come on in” He begins to live in your home, and also in your heart, bringing many changes to your life.

2. Why did you get married as a virgin? Which part of the Bible says that we should do so?
Reading Genesis 2 made me understand that God instructs man and woman to leave their parents’ house, to get married, and after that, they become one flesh. Besides being a pact, it’s also an covenant which can’t be broken for anything. That’s why we have to be sure about our future as a couple and only after that relate to each other, becoming one flesh.

3. I’ve been really successful, healthy, besides having a great family. Why should I know better the Word of God and the Christian faith?

There is a place in our hearts which belongs only to God. He is the only one who is able to fulfill the hollow and provide us with a happy plentiful life and the peace that goes beyond our understanding.

4. I have the feeling that Christians’ lives are boring because they are not allowed to do anything. Is it really true?
Nothing is prohibited. Nobody in this world can prohibit you from doing something. Every little thing we do is meant to be a testimony for other people and also to praise God. Paul says in the Bible that everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial. For the testimony, for the covenant with our beloved ones, for our health, and for the

peace of mind.

5. Even though you’re rich, beautiful and married to a soccer idol you still believe that following the commandments of God is the best for your life. How do you explain that?
I’ve found out that when we please God, He makes our dreams come true and much more than we could ever imagine. Everything I have in my life has been sent by God as a consequence of the way I act and live, and because of the love I have for Him. We all have to accept that we need God in our lives.

6. I’ve already been to church, attended Bible study classes, and haven’t felt any different. Hasn’t God chosen me?
In the Bible it’s written: “For many are invited, but few are chosen”. I don’t believe that God hasn’t chosen you, but I quite belive that you haven’t accepted Him 100% in your life yet. We have to open our hearts in order to sense what God does. A hair never falls out without His permission. In both small and big things, He is always present.

7. I want to change somethings in my behavior and in the way I face life. What’s the best Bible guidance?
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9.
She looks so good in blue. The dress doesn't fit right in the breast area and the shoes aren't right but she looks so stunning! :heart:
^ She does seem to have that problem with a lot of her dresses, but still managed to look stunning.

Here a vid, when Carol is little panic when the boys from CQC Brasil are following her.

Her grin @ 1:15 - O_O

Is that a photo manipulation? Because it freaked me a lil bit out when I first saw it.
Congrats!! Happy for them.

Here's Carol 2 weeks ago with her mom at a Dior event in Brazil..

Oh, she just looks so absolutely gorgeous! Their little girl is going to be so gorgeous!
Interview Carol Celico with IG Gente January 2011


Comfort, hydration and Pilates are among the tricks Carol Celico for skin care and body during pregnancy. The wife of Kaka, who is entering the sixth month of her second pregnancy, also not free from their creams after a shower and a good stretch.

In an exclusive interview with iG Gente, Carol talked about the expectation of having a girl: "Kaka is enjoying as if it is the first child, " she said. Also told about the changes from first to second pregnancy - she is the mother of Luca, 2 years - and their desire to pregnant: "I think more in different foods, "he said.

Despite living in Spain, where her husband plays for Real Madrid, Carol says the baby will be born in Sao Paulo, their hometown. "We want all our children in Brazil, like us, " she says.

Read the full interview granted by Carol Celico via email for iG Gente.

iG: What's your best trick of beauty care for body and skin during pregnancy? Exercise, diet?

I am very attached to the comfort. I think everything we do in our daily lives must be very practical to increase our comfort. Moisturizing your skin against stretch marks is essential in pregnancy. Cream after bathing while the whole body, and occasionally use exfoliating in the shower to remove dead cells and activate circulation. I usually also take plenty of fluids to improve the sense of hydration. Sometimes I swim and pilates, but every day I can not help me stretch and I stretch out quite well when I awake.

iG: What has changed from first to second pregnancy? It feels more or less sick? Ever had the desire to eat something different?

I noticed that my belly has grown much faster in the second pregnancy. I had many sick every day and at any time, and lasted more than four months, something that at first pregnancy was not as frequent. I think more in different foods and I have enjoyed the routine food home, which causes me sick. So I'm always looking for new dishes.

IG: What is the main role of the father during pregnancy? How's Kaka with the wait?

The husband must support his wife. Always take into consideration the many hormonal changes that a pregnant woman passes in this period. Mood swings, fatigue, mental exhaustion are normal. It is a difficult time for many, but also has its benefits. Many women feel more attractive and it makes the wedding gear in a different way. Kaká is enjoying as if the first child. Each pregnancy is unique and we must seize.

IG: How are preparations to receive a girl? Already started to decorate the room? The buy the outfit?

I've decided that the room was easy for me because we still had all the furniture of Luca, who were whiten, so I could use again. Nor have many things to buy, because the things you used to Luca are semi new. 'll Just wait a little longer to buy feminine clothes.

IG: And how are the expectations for Luca's little sister? He believes that most will have a baby at home? Already demonstrates jealous?

Luca is liking the idea. Much kisses and caresses my belly, "imãzinha. Say that you'll catch her in the neck and all the things that will teach her. Still does not show jealousy, but I think a little early and inevitable and healthy. After that it all depends on how we do as parents to get around the feeling of jealousy.

IG: The delivery will be in Sao Paulo, like the first time, or in Madrid?

IG: The delivery will be in Sao Paulo, like the first time, or in Madrid?

How is your artistic life: it is investing in a new album? There is another professional design?

I'm still not investing in a new disk. Only at the launch of the DVD I recorded. I intend to continue with the principle of using our influence for the benefit of others and inspire many of this generation to have that same feeling, to seek and love God, to have affection and respect for others and show family values.

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