Caroline Celico

Carol just tweeted she gave birth on 23 april 2011 at 21:01 to a healthy babygirl named: Isabella Celico Leite! We wish Kaka, Carol and ofcourse big brother Luca all the best with their newest familymember

carol's twitter
Great news !!!!! I feel so happy for them....God bless that beautiful family !!!
Interview before giving birth with Contigo!

Carol Celico talks about pregnancy and motherhood: Kaka’s wife gave an interview to Contigo! few days before giving birth to Isabella.

”She did not stop kicking, she is moving all the time. Luca (first child who turns three years in June) was more quiet,”said Carol Celico gospel singer, 23, at the ninth month of pregnancy. The baby was born on April 23 in Sao Paulo.

In March, mother and son traveled from Madrid, where they lived with Kaka, to Sao Paulo. The couple has an apartment in Sao Paulo, and Carol, who was born and raised in the city, wanted to have the support of the family for Isabella. The singer plans to stay with her children in Sao Paulo until August.

Q. Women are usually very sensitive during pregnancy. How do you overcome the distance with Kaka?

It is true, we always get even more sensitive during pregnancy. But the final preparations are so intense … I found it great to come to Sao Paulo and taking care of everything, while Kaka is dedicated to games. But I feel sorry for Luca. My husband and him really miss each other: they love to run, play, fight, mess up, those games of man, you know? Luca tries to do with me, but it does not, right? (She said, stroking the belly)

Q. How relationships are going with the distance?

We talk a lot by phone and exchanged several messages via SMS. I’m still not sure he will be released to see the birth, but in June, the first day of vacation, he’ll be at my side.

Q. But you will not miss him at the time of birth?

Yes, but the last two weeks of pregnancy and the first month of the child are very intense. It is a relationship between mother and the baby too, there is no place for anyone else. At this stage, there’s no heed to her husband. At this moment, the same thing always happens: the baby cries, then the husband goes to work, tired the next day … So it’s good. Kaka will arrive in Sao Paulo when the baby will be more calm.

Q. Luca is not jealous?

My son has a very loving personality. Now, he kisses my belly, hugs, says he’ll teach her the music of Barney, with Mickey, Minnie. These days, we went to a store and he wanted to buy a baby duck bath like the one he has, he loves it. We chose it in pink. So for now, Luca is fine. It may change after the birth of Isabella, he could be surprised with all the attention a newborn requires. This week, for example, Luca said he was tired of saying that her sister will be called Isabella. Everywhere we go, people ask for it (laughs). But jealousy is normal and we will solve this.

Q. Why did you choose the name Isabella?

It was a choice made by three. We were in doubt between Natalie, Isabella and Julia. We liked the “bella” (beautiful in english) because every girl wants to be a princess, beautiful. And the meaning of the name is “God’s promised”. Isabella was a surprise and we are confident that she will inaugurate a different time in our lives, like Luca did.

Q. The baby was not planned?

We wanted an another baby, but we never thought that it would come so fast. It took me over six months to get pregnant with Luca, but for Isabella, I get pregnant soon after that we decided to have a new kid. My periods are irregular. Earlier, Kaka and I realized that my form had changed: my hips widened, I began to see a darker line on the belly. So I did a pregnancy test, but it was negative. It took a month and a half to find my pregnancy.

Q. During your pregnancy, Did Kaka have to chase some desire for you?

I wanted to eat special food such as chocolate mousse with passion fruit, fish with white sauce. I like to cook and I even posted recipes on the blog. In Brazil, I salivate when I remembered the food of my school (Carol studied in an English school in the Gardens, full time). Before having Isabella, I want to go back and eat there (laughs).

Q. What is the most exciting moment of this pregnancy?

I cried when I knew it was a girl. Another boy would also be welcome, but I always planned to have a boy first then a girl.

Q. You should have received several pats …

(Laughs) No. .. My mother gave me the first earring, heart. We refill the cradle of Luca and buy white clothes.

Q. Do you (and Kakà) want a second brother to Isabella?

When the kids will be more grown older, independent, eat alone, we want a third child.

Carol recently launched her cd+dvd in Brasil
among the guests were her mother, her brother in law Digao, her mother in law Simone. Her brother couldn't be there cause he was travelling and also her husband Kaka wasn't able to be there he was in LA with Real Madrid

Here some more music-videos of Carol

Official video for the song Kaka wrote for her on their weddingday:

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Chapter 1 - Our Dreams.

Everyday I learn something new. Some things are good, others not so good, but these teachings always make me stop to think. Sometimes, we learn things that at first sound full of wisdom and after days or years they seem to become the wrongest things in the world. Today I am only 23 years old. For some, I am too young, for others, old enough. One of the things I hear the most is “Wow, you look so young. I wouldn’t say you’re older than 20!” When people get the chance to know me, either because of a coffee we had together or from being in the same places, or from hearing me sing or preach they often say: “You are not 23, there is much more inside”.
What I have inside might just be the strength I gained until now. I married at the age of 18, and by my 2oth birthday I was pregnant of my first son, living abroad and married to one of the world’s best soccer players. People ask me if I always dreamed of marring young. I never dreamed with an exact age, the number to me means absolutely nothing besides how long we’ve been living in this world. Marry a soccer player? No, it was not what I had in mind for myself. I dreamed marrying a businessman, a prince, someone that would dress a suit to work and I would fix his tie every morning.
When I met Kaka, he played in São Paulo Futebol Clube, and would go to work in flip flops and shorts. But I gave it a chance. I wanted to see were we would go. In the end, I fell in love, day after day. One day he called me, I had just left Physical Education Class at school, I answered the call and said “Hey Bu”, because that’s how I call him, and he said: “we have to talk”. That moment, I imagined he would be telling me he would be changing countries and on his way to live abroad. I was right. He had just signed his transfer to Milan, in Italy. On that same day, he travelled to his new country. He didn’t know, but besides living his dream, he was also giving me my dream: in Milan, Kaká would go to the matches and practices dressed in nice suits, just like a businessman. For many years, he was called “Prince Kaka” by the Italian press.
My marriage meant to me, more than just living a love story, because I would have to assume many responsibilities. But this never meant leaving behind my dreams, or that I would have to stop pursuing them. From all the dreams I had, picking one was hard. However, what really is important to me, is that, even though some dreams I had to put on hold, I lived many of them. And everyday I try to rescue the ones I still hold in my memories so that one day they will also happen, truly being part of my life.

source and interview with Carol:

In the interview Carol reveals she's alone in Madrid a lot and she finds it difficult, she doesn't have many friends in Madrid. She calls Kaka her 'Bu'. When they asked her if they visit other footballplayers at home she says they come at Marcelo's house cause he has a little boy too and Cristiano is also a friend but he has a girlfriend and other things in life.
More of Caroline Celico at her CD/DVD launch in Sao Paulo
the woman in the yellow is her mom and the woman with the white pants is Kaka's mom


1. I wonder about his academic life. We know you speak multiple languages, you have learned in this short course or in direct contact with the tongue? You got to take entrance exams in Brazil? If so what course? And because this course you care.

A: I did not pay vestibular in Brazil, I took a different course, I studied in British schools, so we have some evidence for International Certifications. Languages​​, all courses have done (very little time on each one), the only one that did not do so well therefore I do not speak Spanish very well.

2. I wonder why you called Kaka Bu? It is because of the movie? He calls you by some other name too?

A: He calls me BU, and yes, because of the film.

3. We know that you and Kaká met through his mother and his parents right? Tell us how was it? You liked him right away? Were you jealous of each other? How did you know that Kaka was the love of your life?

A: I learned that he was the love of my life when I got to know his way every day of our relationship. But I will not lie when I first saw him (When I was 14 years, I saw him at an airport) I felt something completely different for him, then I came to know who he was. When I saw the first time, I asked him to sign an autograph for my friend and one for me. He wrote to my friend, fondly Kaka, and to me, a kiss with affection of Kaka. He says that was day has liked me.

4. How is your relationship with your brother?

A: He is almost 6 years younger than me, but very mature! I love him, but whenever we talk a little. I would be closer to him.

5. How was the proposal?

A: Kaka took me to Venice, pretending I was just following him to sign a document. And when we got there he proposed to me on the terrace of a lovely hotel overlooking Venice.

6. Some fan has left you or Kaka embarrassed for having given a gift "unprecedented"? lol How was it?

A: Never, never fans. All respect and love for what it is, man, husband, parent and player. Who does not respect women are needy and abused.

7. I wonder, have you ever thinking about visiting Poland? I know your mom was here! A country also blessed and chosen by God, like Brazil!

A: I do not know when, but I would love to know!

8. God is one independent church, you know, have you thought about doing an event bringing together singers and gospel singers and Catholics? I think that would help people have no religious prejudice.

A: I never thought about it, but I think it's a beautiful idea! Who knows!

9. Which cities of Brazil would you like to know? What is the best place you've ever spent the holidays?

A: I love Bahia, food, people, beaches. But I want to know all of Brazil! My BIG DREAM! Haha ..

10. Still have some dream of consumption?

A: In no consumption. I think the whole consumption can not be dreamed! We are dreaming of goals, projects, happiness, travel, family! Not with material things!

11. Who is tougher with the children you or Kaka? And who spoils?

A: Kaka is very hard, when you need it. The five no's worth it not mine! RS ... I spoil a lot, sometimes who gets yelled at me.

12. Kaká has done something to leave you with no reaction? He has done something that left you jealous or he always made ​​you safer?

A: He is very friendly with everyone, and it took time for me to get used to his way. But no, he never left me in a difficult situation in this regard.

13. Describe yourself to us and your Kaka rsrs major defects and higher quality ...

A: Ah! Defects and quality mix. He is very disciplined, and so strong that it sometimes annoys when it comes out well ahead of time not to be late for the appointment. He is very friendly, sometimes I think that needs to be more educated and less sympathetic with people who misinterpret their friendliness! RS ...

14. When you were of the Renaissance, you were more closely linked to Sonia Bishop than to your own mother do you regret it? What do you think of others who have more love for her and the Apostle Estevam than for their own parents? Can you give some advice?

A: I do not regret anything, because I think everything had a purpose. To make me go through feelings and experiences that come with the feelings. Without the feelings I had, I could not have had so many beautiful and shocking experiences that make me the person I am today, and I do have the attitude I have today too! Today I am happier, and balancing everything out of the place makes us less happy and less peace. God and BALANCE.

15. If you had not known Kaka, do you think God would not have known? How would your life be today?

A: I think I would have rather be close to God. I know God knew what I have today and have more intimacy and closeness to Him to know, study and read with the most precious of God. There is only one way, God has many ways to make other choices if we do, we will also get to intimacy with Him everything has its time and place.

16. As you give us advice, I'm sure you need to hear too! So what's the advice someone gave you will never forget?

A: One of the most love and advice: do not cover much! I was charging too much and now I am more happy to know not charge me in situations that did not need to charge.

17. We know that you are passionate about music lol, what types of songs or singers (s) you like, without being religious?
A: Adele, Carla Bruni, Michael Buble, Rihanna, Beyonce, Coldplay, U2, Paula Fernandes, Claudia Leitte ...

18. What is the thing you miss most when you are out of Brazil, without your family .. lol ?

A: Outside my beautiful friends? Cottage cheese! And Arab food ...

19. How do you think the fans influence your life and attitudes?

A: I think the commitment to continue being the person I like, because as much as there are critics, fans and show you how valuable the little that I do.

20. What are your favorite movies?

A: I love "Notting Hill", "Gladiator," "The Notebook" ... many others I have no 1 favorite.

21. You won many fans with your ​​love, advice, love of God and his humility. And you know you have fans of different parts of Brazil and the world. How do you feel all this love? Did you imagined that this could happen?

A: No, I never imagined, because my goal was never to win fans, but bringing people of God! I thought the fans would always be fans of Kaka, but today it's more than being a fan of Kaka, fans are fans of FAMILY KAKA! RS ...

22. Kaka was your 1st boyfriend or you already had another crush before?

A: I did! I had a normal life before age 15! Lol ...

23. When you went to school were the most quiet, scholarly or popular type?

A: I went through all stages. The phase of being quiet and studious, the stage of being a leader and less dedicated to school as a place of learning. RS ...

24. Do you want to write a book? You could write a book about life in another country, monkeys, fun, facilities, tips on how to adapt to the new; fast.

A: Yes I intend to! Still do not know when or what will be ...

25. How does a child adapt to different cultures? Does Luca speaks Spanish at home?

A. Luca speaks only Portuguese. I think having a solid family background helps the child to "find" no matter where it is.

26. How was the experience of living alone in England when you were 12 years old?

A: Very good and important. Helped me more than learning English to learn to fend for myself. One of the things I can do better today

27. What attitude did Luca have that most surprised you? And Isabella, has done something that surprised you?

R.: Attitudes of love without being in a situation that was natural. He expresses his love for me and his father, and today for his sister in unpredictable ways. Isabella surprises me the liveliness and joy. She's always smiling and happy! I have very happy children. Thank God!

28. You got married and built a family very young in the minds of some people. How did you deal with the comments and even "critical" of these people.

A: Do not let the critics make me blue, just let the critics gave me more strength to prove the opposite.

29. What gift of Kaka would you most like to have won in material and sentimental value? Why?

A: I love when he picks a present that I didn't expected. Usually he tells me to buy something I like, the situation of his fame, we have always done it like this.

30. How is your relationship with your brother? You can see that he's brother is very different from you, how do you handle it? Do you give him advice as well?

A: It is different, but we have much in common. Our genius and our training and the same. I only give advice when he asks. I do not like to intrude.

31. When your parents split up, how did you handle it? Suffered? Can you give an advice for parents who have separated or are separating?

A: I was 6 years, and was very light and natural. My parents made a quite tasty. I have two houses, I would always be with them. It was not something that I saw as a big change. I did not suffer and not suffer to this day. I want to see them happy always

32. How was seeing Luca and Bella for the first time? What did you feel?

A. Held. As if the most beautiful jewelry precious and important of my life were at hand and the eyes. An immense joy.

33. What advice would you give to a couple who want to have a lasting and happy relationship?

A: Always let the flame of love alive. Trust in God and know that HE was that brought you together. Do not fall into routine. Share dreams and goals. Have the same ideas and the same principles.

34. What is the best memory from your childhood?

A: My trips to Rio de Janeiro to visit my maternal grandparents. Having my father lying in my bed with me putting me sleep. Traveling with my mother and her eternal companion.

35. How would you describe your family?

A: Not perfect, but healthy. With errors, but sincere. Love each other!

36. To you, who is Carol Celico?

A: It's a woman, sometimes a girl. Mature and sometimes childish. An ordinary person, who errs and feel loved by God as well as all other people must feel. Sometimes talks too much, but with sincerity and humility. A person who seeks the truth, but most of all love of Truth (God, family, neighbor).

translated by interview with Kaka e carol world

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