Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg


Caroline Kennedy wears a Kerry/Edwards presidential badge as she chats on her cell phone whilst walking her dog in The Upper West Side area of New York. October 28th 2004.

CAROLINE KENNEDY SCHLOSSBERG (C) enters the Sutter Club for the Friends and Family luncheon, Monday, September 17, 2003, after the Swearing-In Ceremony of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.




Jack Schlossberg, son of Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg and Ed Schlossberg, gets the job of hailing a cab as he goes out with his parents in New York City. Jan 8, 2003.

Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg son Jack sit ontop of her car while waiting as mum gets some ice cream before their ferry ride to Marthas Vineyard, Jack got adventurous or perhaps a little bored and climbed onto the roof . September 2002.


6/13/01 New York City.St. James Theatre To See The Producers .Caroline Kennedy.

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Caroline Kennedy addresses the John F. Kennedy Profiles in Courage Award ceremony at the JFK Library & Museum in Boston, Monday morning, May 23, 2011.
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Caroline Kennedy, Chief executive of the office of Strategic Partnerships of the New York City Department of Education, speaks to over 2000 "Learning Leaders" at the opening meeting of NYC's largest public school volunteer group 26 September 2003 at the Sheraton Hotel in New York City


Caroline Kennedy (L) speaks with journalist Ban Adil Sarhan (R) of Iraq just before Sarhan was presented with Courage in Journalism Awards by the International Women?s Media Foundation, 23 October, 2007, at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York. Sarhan represents the six Iraqi women in McClatchy's Baghdad bureau.
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Courage, Strength, and Dignity: A Conversation with Caroline Kennedy


In the spring of 1964, less than six months after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, historian Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. began conducting more than eight hours of interviews with Kennedy’s widow, Jacqueline. At her request, the transcripts and tapes were sealed from the public. Now her daughter, Caroline, is releasing the interviews in a new book, Jacqueline Kennedy: Historic Conversations on Life with John F. Kennedy, to be published on Sept. 14.

On a hot summer morning in Boston, Caroline Kennedy sat down to talk to PARADE about the conversations, which reveal a different side to the glamorous woman the world calls Jackie O but whom Caroline still calls “Mummy.” Inside the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Caroline, 53, wearing a beige summer coat, an off-white blouse, and a light beige skirt, displayed the elegance of her mother and the charm of her father, whose bust stood nearby.

This daughter of Camelot has managed to live a quietly public life on Manhattan’s Upper East Side with her husband, Edwin Schlossberg, and their three children (Rose, 23; Tatiana, 21; and John, 18), whom she credits with inspiring her to endorse Barack Obama in 2008. Save for a brief but awkward foray into politics—she expressed interest in Hillary Clinton’s vacated New York Senate seat in 2009 but then withdrew her name from consideration—she has carried her family’s legacy into the 21st century with grace and fortitude. In fact, as Caroline talks about her father, her brother, and her hopes for her own children, she exhibits the qualities she most admires in her mother: a sense of strength, a passion for reading, and the will to move forward despite the pain that has come her way.

PARADE: How did the Schlesinger interviews with your mother happen in the first place?
CAROLINE KENNEDY: In 1964, my mother, Uncle Bobby and Uncle Teddy, and others were looking for ways to create a living memorial to my father and inspire a new generation to go into public service and politics to make the world better, as he did. They also wanted to preserve the record of his administration. The technique of oral history was fairly new then, but the idea was to capture people’s recollections while they were still fresh. Over 1,000 people were interviewed, and Mummy decided she should be a part of it. She chose Arthur Schlesinger because she wanted to do it with somebody who shared her sense of history.

Did you know about the interviews?
My brother, John [who died in 1999], and I knew that she had done them and that she wanted them put aside for 50 years. After my mother left Washington, she gave no interviews about my father or their time in the White House, so this is a unique historical document. It’s a wonderful portrait of both my parents. The interviews were done between March and June ’64, when we were in Georgetown. Soon after, Mummy decided to move to New York.

Why did she leave D.C.? Did she feel unsafe there?
We moved because she loved New York, and she felt she could start a new life there. Washington is all about the president, and I think she believed it would make her sad to stay. She thought John and I could grow up in a freer environment in New York. People in New York had taken her, John, and me into their hearts—respecting her privacy as well as embracing her. She really thrived on the city’s intellectual environment, and New York was the place she felt the freest and was home—she was born in Southampton, Long Island, and spent summers there and winters in the city.

Since 2002, you’ve been the vice chair of the Fund for Public Schools, which has raised more than $285 million for education in New York City. Did this interest come from your mother?
Education was the most important value in our home when I was growing up. People don’t always realize that my parents shared a sense of intellectual curiosity and a love of reading and of history. One of my favorite parts in the new book is where my mother talks about my father and how he used to read all the time, even when you wouldn’t think a person could read. He’d read when he was getting dressed; he’d read when he was walking. [laughs] If there was something she was reading and found interesting, he would take it right out of her hand and read the whole book.

And your mother?
She was always reading! That’s the image I have when I think of her. In New York, she’d be reading when I came home from school or in the evenings. In the summer, we’d swim in the mornings, and in the afternoons she’d read on the porch. She always said that reading the memoirs of Versailles [the French royal palace, which was the center of political power from 1682 to 1789] was the best preparation she had for the White House, because the way people behaved at court was like how they did around the president. She had a deep engagement with literature, history, plays, and poetry. They gave her strength, even in the difficult times. Because she knew about ancient Greece and read the plays written back then, she knew about suffering and about perseverance.

Did she encourage you and John to read?
Yes. She made it fun, and she was always quoting things. When we’d play charades, everybody wanted Mummy on their team because she knew these quotes no one else knew. She would throw in Walter Raleigh, Yeats, and Bible verses, and she’d win every time! She mostly didn’t play, but when she did she was really a star.


Did your parents read to you as a child?
My mom did when I was younger. I don’t remember my father reading to me, but I remember him telling me bedtime stories. I got to pick what was in them, and then he’d make them up.

Tell me more.
They were adventure stories. I had two ponies in them—one was black with a white star and one was white with a black star, and they were called White Star and Black Star. I could pick who rode the other one. Mostly I picked my cousin Stevie. [Now a business executive, Stephen Kennedy Smith Jr. is the son of Jean Kennedy Smith, the sister of John F. Kennedy, and the late Stephen Smith.]

Were you always the heroine?
Of course. [laughs] Well, would you want to go to bed thinking that Stevie Smith had triumphed over you? No! My father was spectacular at making up stories. And he used to tell me about a purple shark.

A purple shark?
Yes, he said there was a purple shark that used to follow the Honey Fitz [the small presidential yacht]. It liked to eat socks. My father would make people throw their socks overboard, and they’d disappear. He’d say, “See? See? Did you see the purple shark? He ate the socks!” And I’d go [gasps like a child], “I don’t really see him. Oh, oh, I think I see him! Look, the socks are gone, so it must have been the shark that ate the socks!” Those stories were fantastic.

What was your reaction when you first read the transcripts of your mother’s interviews?
I read them shortly after she died. I remember at the time I had the sense she was speaking to me again. [pauses] I could hear her saying what I was reading.

What affected you the most?
I think it was really the way that Mummy felt about my father and the kind of relationship they had. Also, it just brought me back to my childhood. It was more the sadness at the time and then the courage it took her to do these interviews. Her humor, intelligence, and observational powers came through to me in a way I don’t think other people have ever experienced. I know my mother so well, so it’s hard for me to remember that people have a certain image of her, but they don’t really know her personality. I think the transcripts give a good portrayal of her. The way she looked at the world comes through very vividly, how she appreciated historical figures and felt that what made them human was really what made them more interesting.

Your mother faced terrible tragedy and bore it with grace. How was she able to do this?
It’s amazing to remember how young she was—she was just 34. I think a lot of her courage, strength, and dignity came from within. She had a very strong moral code, self-discipline, and commitment to me and John and to my father’s memory that made her able to continue. I think my mother was not as overtly or devoutly religious as my grandmother and some other relatives were. But she had a very deep inner spirituality that allowed her to rebuild her life. It’s extraordinary that she had such a strong sense of self and such a commitment to the future and such a strong creative sense that she could build new worlds for herself and for us out of the total devastation in her life. And then once John and I were grown up, she went back to work as an editor. She really appreciated the value of work. She loved the life she had with my father and thought that was her most rewarding time, but she had a real respect for work and the intellectual engagement it offered her.

You’ve edited three poetry anthologies; the first was The Best-Loved Poems of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. Where did this interest come from?
After my mother died, so many people came up and asked me about her and her sense of fashion—you know, the Jackie O image. I felt like they were missing who she really was, so I did this book of poetry, and people really responded to it. Poetry used to be something that got passed down in families. My grandmother and Teddy were always reciting “Paul Revere’s Ride.”

What lessons did you take from your own upbringing about how to raise kids?
John and I were lucky because our mother was a strong woman with high expectations and a strong sense of values. She encouraged us to pursue things we were interested in and not think about what other people wanted us to do. Those were good lessons. She was also into character building and depriving us of things we wanted. [laughs] “You can’t have that” and “Who do you think you are?” and “I think I’m going to send you off on a wilderness expedition now!” [laughs] Of course, John and I complained constantly.

Given your mother’s fame and the intense interest in you and John, what enabled the two of you to have a pretty normal life?
We have this incredible extended family. We were surrounded by people who loved us and cared about us and who understood. My cousins and I—we all shared so much. I felt a wonderful sense of support, and we had tremendous pride in our parents and wanted to do well and live up to what they would’ve wanted.

What do you wish for your children?
I hope that they’ll find people that they love, and work that they find compelling, and that they’re able to make the world around them better for everyone living in it.

When you look at your children, do you ever see your parents in them?
They look a little bit like them. My son in particular is very interested in his grandfather, and he loved Teddy. Teddy made a huge effort over them, and I think it gave them a wonderful sense of connection with their grandparents. I can’t wait to see who my children will become. That’s what’s really exciting.

Are there particular moments, places, or things that make you think about your mother and your brother?
[in a quiet voice] I live right near where I grew up, so every time I run around the reservoir in Central Park [which is named after Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis] or I go to get ice cream where we used to go with Mummy … [pauses] I mean, certainly, she is very present in my life. I think about her and John all the time. I constantly think about what she would have done or how she would have handled something, and the same with John. And so certainly when on the Cape or the Vineyard, which they both loved, they’re with me all the time. Sometimes something specific will make me think of them. When I’m waterskiing with my son, it’s exactly what I used to do with John. So it’s a fun thing for me to remember and also to be in the present. I always ask myself what they’d do. I wish they were here so I could tell them what’s happening, because I know it would make them laugh or they’d see it the way I do.
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the kennedy family forums


That's a lovely interview! Thanks for posting it alicia763.

Who is the blonde woman in #798?

It always intrigues me how Caroline veers between looking glamourous and frumpy (or both at the same time), yet is completely understated the whole time. She has a very quiet fashion sense.
Blonde woman is Diane Sawyer, anchor of ABC News and an excellent journalist.

That's a lovely interview! Thanks for posting it alicia763.

Who is the blonde woman in #798?

It always intrigues me how Caroline veers between looking glamourous and frumpy (or both at the same time), yet is completely understated the whole time. She has a very quiet fashion sense.

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