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Highlights from Miss Zeta Jones' interview are as follows. For more, be sure to pay a visit to IO Donna!
On what she remembers about the 80s:
"I had a great head of hair and wore eye-catching make-up. They were good times. I worked and I followed the music scene in Los Angeles from afar. I lived between Wales and London, England, and I loved a different kind of music, the new romantic."
On whether acting on a set is very different than on the stage:
"Yes, you miss the applause of the audience. But [in] Rock of Ages I liked dancing with other dancers, it was like being at home, we spent hours and hours rehearsing. In a musical you work much more intensively than in a drama, but for me it is so rewarding. It makes me happy."
On her role in 'Playing the Field':
"I'm Denise, one of the mothers of young footballers, who is fascinated by the new coach of the school, played by Gerard Butler. The film is light, romantic, but with Gabby (so called Zeta-Jones Muccino, ed) becomes a comedy with a big heart. The film Gabby knows to be very funny, but always the heart and soul: I really like this."
On bipolar disorder:
"I will not speak of my diagnosis. In general, however, I would say that those who suffer from bipolar depression should not feel alone. There are millions of people in the same situation... We must talk about it, see a specialist and not withdraw into ourselves, because this is the worst thing. Here, in the sufferer let me say this: know that you are not alone and that you are not the only one to have some terrible moments."