Celebrity Houses #2

Architectural Digest August 1998
Living With Antiques

Photo Kari Haavistor, Peter Freed
Text Michael Peppiatt
Subjects Robert & Ellen Israel

Architectural Digest
Architectural Digest August 1998
In the Shingles Style | A Maine Residence Draws On the Past While Remaining Current

Photo Brian Vander Brink
Text Mildred F. Schmertz

Architectural Digest
Architectural Digest October 1977
The Collectors Mrs. Jack Farris in Pasadena

Photo Fritz Taggart
Interior Rufus Rodgers
Text Suzanne Stark Morrow

Architectural Digest
Architectural Digest October 1977
At the Olympic Tower | An International Design for Manhattan

Photo Leiberman, Mc Ginniss
Interior Valerian S. Rybar
Text Peter Carlsen

Architectural Digest
Architectural Digest October 1977
Interplay and Symmetry | Recurring Themes and Counterpoints

Photo Stephen Shore
Interior Barbara Schwartz, Barbara Ross
Text David Rollins

Architectural Digest
Architectural Digest October 1977
Totality of Effect | A Generous in West Texas

Photo Jaimes Ardiles-Arce
Interior I. David Porras
Text Kay Crosby Ellis

Architectural Digest
Architectural Digest October 1977
California Penthouse | Reconciling East and West In Los Angeles

Photo Russell Mac Masters
Interior Ron Wilson
Text Kate Morgan

Architectural Digest
Architectural Digest September 1998

Terry Hunziker | His Contemporary Seattle Loft Displays An Inventive Hand With Space and Materials
Photo Dominique Vorillon
Interior Terry Hunziker
Text Michael Frank

Architectural Digest
Architectural Digest September 1998
Loyd-Paxton | Paxton Gremillion and Loyd Taylor in Dallas

Photo Mary E. Nichols
Text Michael Webb

Architectural Digest
Architectural Digest September 1998
Anthony Hail | A San Francisco Legend Edits His Collection For a New Pacific Heights Apartment

Photo Mark Darley, Steve Whittaker
Interior Anthony Hail
Text Penelope Rowlands

Architectural Digest
Architectural Digest September 1998
Elissa Cullman | Georgian Overtones Define Her Residence On Park Avenue

Photo Durston Saylor, Amy Arbus
Text Cynthia Zarin

Architectural Digest
Architectural Digest March 1992

A California Composition | A Sophisticated Updating for a 1950s Bungaloow in Bel-Air
Photo Mary E. Nichols
Interior John Cottrell
Text Donald Spoto

Architectural Digest
Architectural Digest March 1992
Skyscraping in Manhattan | New Life for an Art Déco Penthouse in the Sherry Netherland Hotel

Photo Jaime Ardiles-Arce
Interior Sand Nunnerley, Frank Grill
Text John Taylor

Architectural Digest
Architectural Digest March 1992
American Flair in Paris | A Designer Brings Her Signature Aesthetic to the Left Bank

Photo Marina Faust
Interior Ann Downey
Text Aileen Mehle

Architectural Digest

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