Celebrity Houses #2

US Vogue June 1969
Fashions In Living | Le Style Pauline

Photo Horst P. Horst
Text Valentine Lawford
Subject Pauline de Rothschild

vogue archive
US Vogue July 1969
Fashions In Living | Yves's Other Eden: Saint Laurent in Marrakech

Photo Patrick Litchfield
Subject Yves Saint Laurent

vogue archive
The last 3 pages are just one wild trip 💙💚💛. 1969-1970.. what a time to be alive in terms of interiors, fashion, music, art, and just to be yourself.. all of these spaces are often this exuberant depiction of their owners' ideas and lifestyles, you do see elements in common, mostly related to architecture (lower ceilings and all that) but they're not uniformed the way you see in the interiors of celebrity homes now (the same Jeanneret/wishbone chair, a Bellini couch, some brown oval-shaped table with three books of the most commercial fashion designers or fashion photographers, as if not having at least one of those would make everyone wonder if you have taste at all).

Thanks again, justaguy!
US Vogue October 15, 1969
Fashion In Living | Blow Me a House in Two Days

Photo Claude Picasso
Subject Felix R.R. Drury

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US Vogue October 15, 1969
Fashions In Living | Vogue's Choice: The Look Of Here and Now/Environmental Lighting

Photo Grigsby, Claude Picasso

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US Vogue November 15, 1969
Fashions In Living | Life-Style Givenchy

Photo John Cowan
Subject Hubert Givenchy

vogue archive
^ I always imagine myself coming downstairs in the morning, groggy as hell, and tumbling over the side. I know it’s silly, but specifically floating stairs with no barrier on the side feel like death traps.
^there’s another stairwell in the house - used more often. And it once had handrails lol…
Architectural Digest Volume IX Isse 4 1938
Residence of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Paley, Bel-Air

Photo Mott, O'Brien
Interior Harriet R. Shellenberger, Josephine Hart Ryan

Architectural Digest
US Vogue January 1, 1968
Fashions In Living | The House You Buy From a Boutique...

Photo David Massey

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US Vogue January 1, 1968
Fashions In Living | La Grenouille

Photo Jack Robinson
Text Polly Devlin

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US Vogue January 15, 1968
Fashions In Living | Easy-Come, Easy-Stay House in Nassau

Photo Horst P. Horst
Subject Mrs. Nicholas P. Goulandris

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US Vogue February 1, 1968
Fashions in Living | Sea-Light, Flower-Light for Mr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Guest II

Photo Horst P. Horst
Subjects Mr. & Mrs. Frederick E. Guest, II

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