Chun Xiao

min-SH said:
AH.....Chun Xiao!Lately her face is like everywhere in China.
She's really adorable:D
And to me,she looks very Chinese and not mixed at all!

Personally,I like Shi Zhou Liang(石周靓) better,but it seems like Shi hasn't done much work yet.:unsure:
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edison - i like her much more than some of the girls you posted in your other threads :flower:
in post 10 she looks kind of like chiaki kuriyama.. and indeed like an oriental gemma ward.

is she working in hk yet?
min-SH said:
AH.....Chun Xiao!Lately her face is like everywhere in China.
She's really adorable:D
And to me,she looks very Chinese and not mixed at all!

Personally,I like Shi Zhou Liang(石周靓) better,but it seems like Shi hasn't done much work yet.:unsure:
i like SZL too:heart:
when i saw her in a TV drama i found shes so fabulously beautiful..and shes still growing lol

Chunxiao is another type of gorg, shes more professional, more glamourous, i like Chunxiao's expressive force

gosh,seems i have to write in Eng
what. Chun Xiao is on here too?! This place has everything! :blink:

... i've seen her through web streams of chinese fashion broadcasts.. she's quite a celebrity there... got a personality to boot! individualistic. cool.

she has an official website. the girl answers each of the comments on her guessbook! &

she was also in the Preen S/S 06 show during Shanghai Fashion Week earlier this month. I posted a pic on the Du Juan thread-- she was walking to the right of Du Juan in the pic on pg. 8
isn't she from Changchun, Jilin province? heard her speak in an interview, has that 'cool' northerner accent.

to me she has quintessential northern chinese facial features, bigger eyes, more defined face, taller, etc

ecec said:
I posted a pic on the Du Juan thread-- she was walking to the right of Du Juan in the pic on pg. 8

my bad - Page 6!
i like posts #9 and #10. who is with her in those pics?
thanks! on post #9 & 10... she's with "Wang WenQin", a famous Shanghainese model, who also appeared on the premier issue of Chinese Vogue. That's her on the right.

Pinky* said:
what..?? why not? :(
I dont know,she started her career in China,i guess thats where she wanna focus on,anyway,china is a way larger than Hongkong right?!:D
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cookymonster said:
Thanks for the pics! Hey, I have a really dumb question: in post #3, she has extremely thin, drawn on eyebrows but, as seen in the other pics, she actually as quite normal sized ones. Does anyone know how the makeup artists get that effect? I'm mystified!

Totally late in responding but better late than never. I read a book by the late Kevyn Aucoin (I forgot if it was Face Forward or Making Faces), anyway, the artist basically takes wax to sort of glue the brows in place against the skin, brushes sealant over it, covers with foundation, and powders it down. After that, they re-draw the eyebrow.

This girl is totally amazing. I love her look. It's so good to see unique Asian beauties.
from her blog(cxblog)


In the second pic,she looks quite like Gemma...(or is it just me?)
from her blog in



ChunXiao for Shu Uemura make-up
all theatrics here. China Fahion Week. Nov'05


from cxblog

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