Coach S/S 2024 New York

This is such an underwhelming collection to celebrate your tenth anniversary at the brand. Everything looks so ill-fitting.

I know it's Coach but still, elevate it.
Coach RTW has almost nothing to do with fashion. Nothing here says fashion or contemporary or new. Actually all those torn pieces are ancient ATP.

i do like that it is entirely made of leather; makes sense for coach. Those lace pieces display fine dressmaking skills with the inset panels being hard to do. Otherwise this just exists to sell purses.

the broken hearts and lip print feels like Valentines day rather than Spring
I actually quite enjoyed this collection and the especially the casting for it, compared to recent seasons.
Feels a bit more elevated and edgier as well as sexy! I can see Gen Z eating this up.
I was thinking about how the 10 years of Ghesquiere at Vuitton have passed so fast!

And to think that Stuart has been at Coach only for 10 years when it felt like the double is puzzling…

‘This is a non-event. Coach stopped being interesting once they moved from showing in London.

‘It’s a bit similar to Burberry when Bailey started to show in London. The Milan collections were far more superior and London felt like a formula.

I’m not sure the formula is working for coach from a fashion perspective but the money is great so…Good I guess.
For something offered by Coach, this is surprisingly pleasant.

...I actually have a warmer reception to this than to what was offered by Peter@Helmut
Some looks have left me completely traumatized
A giant bore, once upon a time he actually made some effort to bring some much needed luxury to this tacky brand but by now it’s clear that he’s just happy to wallow in the blandness and dumpiness of this household of the outlet world.

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