As he never fails to look amazing, we were very happy that we bumped into Conor Doherty at Elite. He had a jam-packed schedule at the London Collections, so make sure to keep an eye out for him in our features from the week!
Hey Conor, I know Cecilie saw you yesterday.
I saw her again today, she’s around, taking photos.
Yeah, she got a really great picture of you. It’s really beautiful.
Of me?! Oh thank you! Safe. Where is that going up? Boys by Girls?
Yeah it's on the website in our Topman feature. What have you been up to since yesterday?
Well, I just did the Christopher Shannon show. I was at a JW Anderson fitting this morning; I’ve got to go back there again for another fitting later. Then I’ve got the James Long show tonight, then a Shaun Samson fitting.
Super busy. Are you excited?
Yeah, yeah!
So I’m really intrigued, what has life been like for you since you won the Elite Model Look?
Not really different in any way. I mean with work and **** of course it’s really different. Girls and stuff, they’re all like “Oooh you’re a model” (puts on insanely girly voice).
Haha, That’s cool!
That’s what it’s like 24/7 haha!
Have you got a fan base already and have one of those “****YeahConerDoherty” blogs? You know you’ve made it when you’ve got one of them.
Ah no, I don’t. Perhaps soon one will come, you'll have to let me know if you see one. My mate’s got one, “****YeahBenAllen”
We shall check it out.