"...14 Courtney Love look-alikes dressed in satin baby dolls the colours of sugared almonds and candy floss hair. After applying their lipstick, and puffing powder on their faces from huge marabou puffs, they proceeded to dance a crazed version of the can-can as the models paraded around them."
A tell-all memoir from Courtney Love will be released by William Morrow next fall, the publisher said on Thursday. Ms. Love, the musician and actress, will give an account of her life from childhood to the present, including tales from her own band, Hole, her stints in Hollywood, her marriage to Kurt Cobain and her relationships with Billy Corgan and Edward Norton. Ms. Love will work with a co-writer, Anthony Bozza.
“Courtney is one of the most fascinating and provocative artists of our time, one of those rare performers who continues to reinvent herself time and again throughout the arc of her career,” Lynn Grady, the deputy publisher of Morrow, said in a statement. “It’s time for the public to hear her tell her story, as she lived it.”
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