Damaris Lewis

I'm guessing because she hasn't had the noteworthy runway career Chanel has had so far. Chanel has gotten a lot of press simply because she's been a fixture on runways, even though Damaris has done respectable work, too.

I want to see more of her! :woot:
sepia said:
I'm guessing because she hasn't had the noteworthy runway career Chanel has had so far.

Lol, of course that the reason! I was showing a little sarcasm (:blush: ) but at the same time...you get my point?
Definitely. We all know why only a few get notoreity. :angry:

Oh, they also didn't but Kinee. :cry:
^Yeah, I wonder what she is doing? I hope she's getting some good eds!
Success Models

she blows chanel iman out of the water.

the industry needs a new token black girl.
if she switched to img she would be IT.
Why does there have to be only "one token black girl"...

Anyway, I think Damaris photographs beautifully
^i know..it sucks that the inudstry is so limited when it comes to non-caucasian models
^Agree! I say that in my mind everytime I go to a black model's thread and read "she's a far better model then chanel" or something very rude. The fact that Chanel is young and getting criticized so much makes me think that if she were to look like Naomi's twin people would bash her just the same. I see great potential in both these women (Why not two, three, more?) and wish them great success. Hopefully we get to see more then one black model walk for every famous fashion designer down the runway. Its not hard to find a beautiful, long/elegant black woman! I'm still waiting for every black model (Naomi, Yasmine, Ajuma, Honorine, Jaunel ect) to make history by being the first to be on the US vogue cover. And the next season have another "up and coming" black model on the cover.
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Well, I get what you mean, but for me Damaris is like 100 times more beautiful / Interesting than Chanel as well. I wouldn't care about 5,6,... more black girls
in the business, I'd rather love it, but why there has to be Chanel?

I love her YSL ad, though!
She's in the latest Allure (1 page, I think). Well, I'm 95% sure it is her.
Oh, my sister and I were swooning over that second pic in #72 when we saw it in the mag. I am so happy I clicked on this thread cuz now I know who that gorgeous girl was!

:woot: She looks AMAZING! I want to see so much more from her! I believe she has amazing potential!
Well, I get what you mean, but for me Damaris is like 100 times more beautiful / Interesting than Chanel as well. I wouldn't care about 5,6,... more black girls
in the business, I'd rather love it, but why there has to be Chanel?

I love her YSL ad, though!

I think this hilarious. I started both threads because i thought both girls were soo great-- and i wanted to get some black models POSITIVE press within the fashion industry.This way, eventually they would not be seen as black modes---just models. Both have strengths. Chanel has the couture body and is an amazing poser. Not a traditional beauty but still cute and slightly exotic.

Daqmaris is what one expects when they think of a classically pretty west-african women. Not edgy like Oluchi---but definitley not the typical afro-american look. I think it makes her exotic. (i know she is probably american--but i she reminds me of a pretty Nigerian girl i know)

these girls have feelings too and they read the posts on this site.
^ I agree with you. Why does there always have to be a "token" black, asian, hispanic model. There are no token white models, eastern european, brazilian. Once we stop making it based on their color and based on their beauty, the whole game will change.

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