Daphne Groeneveld

Show Package – New York F/W 11



Supreme's showcards are a million times better than any other agencies this season.
^ i second ^_^
^^ they are not that baaad ;)
fingers crossed for the another amazing season for Daphne :clap:
Look what I found:woot:
Models/Model Talks Spring Summer 2011 with Daphne!!:D
looking forward to watch it..now it's up to fashiontv for posting on youtube

FTV screencap by me
That video is just overall stunningness and her voice is so deep, it's fantastic! Her English is not the best but that video is so endearing. Her voice kinda reminds me of Tanya in some parts of the video. So cute! I really wish Daphne the best this season.
Such a sweet princess in that video...FW11 is gonna be sooo epic!
Oh yeah she really is cute in the video!
And I liked her saying "All this (Modeling) is so much better than school" :lol:
sure it is more exciting :D But yeah education comes first and if she says this is her last year, it's alright.
But I'm not sure about a certain thing. She said she was only allowed to do NY and Milan because of her school.
Does she only says it to avoid the real answer, because she is too young?
Or was it really like that? But if so, then we have to expect to not see her in Paris this season either? or yes? will she have holidays? I'm confused :lol:
How can one not find her stunning? Daphne has good charisma and her posture, gestures and mimic art are beyond sleek, fascinating... And she has confidence, good on her. Love how the casting directors welcome her at 4.20.
^personal taste.
Her English isn't great and that's not typical Dutch haha but who cares. She looks really cute and sweet and also young, very fresh with lots of energy.

At wangster: She was 15 at the time, now she is 16. I believe there are some rules about the age in Paris. Also It could very well be that school said that to her. It's her last year which means exams and you can't miss to much.
There is one week holliday in the neths, i believe 19 till 27th february. She is also 16 but it could very well be that she skips a week (or maybe she has a excl.) because of school.

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