Darren Aronofsky's Black Swan

without giving away spoilers (it comes to Europe in January) what did you think of the movie? :flower:
I didn't think it was extraordinary. It was pretty obvious by the end what had happened.

I felt terribly sad for the character, esp. in the moments before the ending.
Thanks for the input eternity goddess!:flower:
The new international trailer is different from the US one, can't decide which one I like better..
Melfreya, you were nice enough to ask my thoughts on the movie. Don't worry, I hate spoilers!

I'm a big, big movie fan. So I was dying with anticipation for Black Swan. The only problem is, I wish I didn't read so damn much about it. :lol:

I think I'd be more blown away if I didn't know what I was getting into. My problem is, in my excitement, I read way too much, so I knew exactly what I was getting into. :rofl:

You seem to be like me, absorbing all the information about the film that you can, so maybe it is too late for you. If you want, you can stop reading here and go in as fresh as you can! :lol:

Here are my thoughts:

The movie is super intense, graphic, and trippy.

Natalie is exquisite in the movie. Natalie can be bad, but when she's good, she's very good. I think she just flourishes under a superior director (Aranofsky, Mike Nichols) under the right direction she is just stunning. She is subtle in this part, but so damn good. You see how much commitment she put into this part and it is impossible to not be impressed.

If you saw The Wrestler (I wasn't too impressed with that -- Black Swan is a better film) you'll notice a lot of parallels. People practically killing their bodies for their art.

I said in Mila's thread, I wish her and Winona's parts were much bigger, this is definitely Natalie's movie. Winona is hardly in it (terrible for people who grew up in the 1990's!) and while Mila's part is substantial, what with so many critics salivating over her I expected it to be so much bigger!

The film has a lot of eroticism, a lot of interesting camera works and tricks, and some graphic scenes but not a lot.

It's a very unique film that can't really be put into a genre.....

I'm still absorbing it, the imagery and themes stay with you for a long time.

All in all (it's still so fresh in my mind, but I'm trying to be as distant from it as I possibly can) for me, it's a 3.5 or a 4 out of 5... I'm still indecisive...

Some cool things the movie does (without spoiling)
- Makes an 'art house' type film kind of mainstream
- Makes a 'horror' film not gruesome, but kind of mainstream (it's a horror film that is not too horrific, you know what I mean?)
- Makes a ballet film kind of mainstream.....
I think in this it is a great accomplishment.

More interesting things:

Winona's character's life parallels with her own actual life... same with Natalie.
Natalie, Mila, and Vincent's characters all parallel characters in Black Swan.
Trippy huh? The more I think about this film, the more I realize it accomplishes.

For Aranofsky fans, Black Swan for me, is the easiest of his films to watch, and the one I most liked.
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I didnt really know what this movie was about until like.. 2 weeks ago :ninja:
but I watched the trailer and I gotta say, I can't wait to see it..
my only problem is, none of my friends wanna see it :doh:
Amazing review Mint Condish! You're right though, I'm far too curious to stay away from interviews and such but I've somehow managed to avoid the big spoilers so I'm good!
I'm sure it's a hard thing to live up to its hype (which btw is growing by the minute - possibly one of the biggest weekend openings ever for a limited release, according to ew.com), so even though I'm a huge Natalie and Aronofsky fan I try *try!* to be cool about it so I won't get dissapointed if it won't meet my big expectations..Hopefully it will though! ;)
Argh..now if only January was closer! Thank God there's the holidays to keep us busy!:lol: jk!!
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This film is such a tease- literally! :lol: My friend and I have missed it TWICE due to traffic and (hopefully) we're finally seeing it tonight. May I also mention that this film is selling out everyday? It's crazy, but my anticipation has grown with each day. :D
For Aranofsky fans, Black Swan for me, is the easiest of his films to watch, and the one I most liked.

That's good to hear, Requiem for a dream was fantastic but very difficult to watch and left me completely speechless. It was a movie that stuck with me for a very, very long time.
i wish they would open it in wider release already! the closest place playing it is down in LA and it's about 2 hours from where i live
I live in Toronto, and every show sells out. Maybe it will be easier Mon-Thurs when it's not the weekend anymore.
Finally saw it and WOAH. Hands down the best film of 2010. Natalie gives the performance of her career. This film left me speechless! Great plot development, visuals and the perfect ending. If Natalie doesn't win the Oscar, hell will break loose.
Good news for those in the US :flower:
Black Swan Gets a Wide Release for Christmas

ComingSoon.net has learned that following the enormous opening weekend success of Darren Aronofsky's thriller Black Swan, starring Natalie Portman, Fox Searchlight plan on giving the movie a wide release into over 1,000 theaters on December 22, just in time for Christmas!

The movie which received huge critical raves out of the Venice, Telluride and Toronto Film Festivals and has received equally enormous Oscar buzz for Portman's performance as a ballet dancer buckling under the pressures of a high-profile role in "Swan Lake" opened in 18 theaters this past Friday, December 3. The film earned $1.4 million in 13th place, setting a new per-theater average for Fox Searchlight with $80k per venue. In the past, Searchlight's masterful tactics in expanding their "arthouse films" has led to huge hits like Little Miss Sunshine, Sideways, Juno and Napoleon Dynamite.

Black Swan will now be nationwide opposite Universal's Little Fockers, the Coen Brothers' True Grit and Jack Black's Gulliver's Travels, but since most people will have off in the week following Christmas, they'll have plenty of time to see all the movies if they choose to do so.

source :www.comingsoon.net/
Saw it. All the acting's good. So is the cinematography.
New (awesome) International Poster -

and Rodarte design sketch -

^ Hate that poster compared to the others. There's no substance behind this while the others have that creepy, abstract concept to them.
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When you get a chance you must go see it. I saw it last night
and I believe i need to go see it again because it was just that good.
I have never once left a movie theatre in awe before but the ending of this
was beautiful. Nathalie Portman's best performance Ive seen of her so far. Mila
Kunis was absolutely sexy. At parts i remember thinking what the hell am i watching
because some of the scenes just took you on a roller coaster of the mind. I loved it and recommend it to everyone
I read the script over the summer, and the movie definitely lived up to it. Stunning stunning stunning.

I reckon I'll end up seeing it again this weekend :heart:

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