Designers for UNIQLO

Wow! Thank you, runner :flower:

The Nicolas Andreas Taralis pieces are beautiful... especially the skirts.
for those in the new york area...i called the main uniqlo number & they said it looks as though only the menlo park area will be receiving this, as the stock is small. i called menlo park & they said they would be getting it mid-september to october. again, not sure how accurate this is.
^ Thanks.

I want that red peacoat, and if it's cheap enough Id get the blue too. Menlo Park? Where the hell is that? I just Googled it...Jersey.

How can Menlo Park get something that Soho isn't getting? They're opening up another Uniqlo in Soho, or is that a replacement for the other one that's like a block away?
I absolutely ADORE the Felipe Oliveira Baptista collection for Uniqlo, the trenchcoats, jacket with crop pants ensemble and gathered dress are especially delicious and are at once very simple yet at the same time, very nicely thought-out concept-wise. It does seem refreshingly honest and unpretentious due to the simplicity, it's all rather basic clothing for everyday use with a nice twist and doesn't pretend to be overtly "haute".

maybe it was a good decision that they recruited newcomers instead of big established names, this looks very different than karl for h&m where you get the illusion of a ciuture dress for a bargain... :doh:
Baizilla said:
Wow! Thank you, runner :flower:

The Nicolas Andreas Taralis pieces are beautiful... especially the skirts.

You know it's probably funny to hear me saying this as I am probably well known as a die-hard Taralis fan at TFS (just as Faust is with Ann), but I feel a little bit unconvinced about what he did for Uniqlo.

I personally find these bondage straps on the jeans and short trouser-skirt contrived looking, I don't really see what's the reason for adding them except for a rather 'done' reference to punk. Given the context, this hooded top with off-the-shoulder slashed sleeves seems rather methodical.

I still don't think that Nicolas has found 'his' take on the skirt yet, maybe he doesn't feel comfortable with volume but that puffy folded saddle skirt... well... he would have done well adding a pair of his well-cut flat front cigarette pants because they are really flattering. :(

Way better than the designer collaborations with H&M. Holy cow it's good.
I wonder if the UK store will be carrying them.....

Edit:Actually come to think of it I doubt very much it will :(
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tricotineacetat said:
maybe it was a good decision that they recruited newcomers instead of big established names, this looks very different than karl for h&m where you get the illusion of a ciuture dress for a bargain... :doh:

Yes, it's good design in the basic sense that they understand the abilities of their materials, they have the problem established, and they've used whatever process they use to solve it. Some really good solutions might I add! They're not trying create an impossible solution to force the clothes into being something they could never be.
thank you runner, and nqth.

Felipe's pieces seem to work best.
Mutterlein said:
Yes, it's good design in the basic sense that they understand the abilities of their materials, they have the problem established, and they've used whatever process they use to solve it. Some really good solutions might I add! They're not trying create an impossible solution to force the clothes into being something they could never be.

Thanks Mutterlein, you summed it up perfectly, that's exactly what I had in mind... :woot:
Well said, Mutterlein.

The Felipe Oliveira Baptista collection caught my eye. The trenchcoats are really great!

IMO it seems this is turning out very well. Retaining the UNIQLO sensibility for simple, decent quality basics and adding a twist. And given the price points, what's there not to like? :)
you're welcome nqth, softgrey, Baizilla, skot




I checked the designer pieces out a few days ago and I have to say up close it wasn't very impressive =(
However I still <3 Uniqlo for the cheap basics. Bought a nice summer dress for 2000yen
hooray for uniqlo

runner said:
sorry for my bad English tott
I meant that she dropped by the store to observe how they manage it. maybe checking out the prices, quality, etc.
it has been something which is always talked about by the economic world rather than by the fashion industry.
roughly speaking, they rose from fleece stuff to theory, and so Helmut Lang.

btw, Yohji Yamamoto inc. was officially involved in Muji (domestic products).
and Wim Neels, as a successor to Jack Henry, in overseas Muji,
I don't know they are still doing it though.

runner......what did yohji design for muji..?? bed linen or clothing? ... cos i always overspend at Muji !!..and am just wondering ..would love to know what the items are ..thanks in anticipation....

not surprised that rei checks out uniqlo.......but i wish she would drop her prices .......

i am a recent uniqlo convert..bought shorts which fit me perfectly..... the cut , the fabric 100% cotton was fab fab fab and best of all i got it during a sale !! ...... but uniqlo need to go a little more .....upmarket...not too high....enough too keep it interesting.......B)
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yes they do Honey~Blade
but I don't think the ones used on that runway were all uniqlo.
maybe most of them are not.

bearbrick I don't know sory
anyway it's not like he did it as he does Yohji Yamamoto femme.
as Avantster wrote
before that, fabrics etc were not good enough then.
I guess YY inc might bring in some improvement in that respect.
as for the design, there was no drastic change on the whole. muji has to be basics.
maybe subtle change in the cut, detail etc.
you are in Japan right?
Y's for living has lots of bed linen. also some basics

the uniqlo chairman just announced they will make it more of fashion and trend.
we may see more interesting things.

and they are selling Felipe stuff at much better prices right now.

coats 9990 → 7990
jacket 6990 → 4990
dress 3990 → 1990
skirt, shorts, tops, all 1290 yen
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Uniqlo is also doing a project with parsons. Students will have a competition and the winner will do a design training/internship type of thing at the Soho studio as well as go to Japan for an all expense paid training for another year. Pretty amazing. That's all we were told for now though.
i am not in japan.......was in HK and Tokyo end august/sept....
have seen Ys living and have never liked it for some reason...and in a way was not surprised that YY did things for Muji....cos YS LIVING MIGHT AS WELL BE A PART OF MUJI !!! as well as for that matter the issey miyake's home/lifestyle range...for the japanese market ...

uniqlo doing a project with parsons ala banana republic ?......great !

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