Diane Pernet - Journalist

Well,the reason I admire is the reason droogist mentioned....she's a tremendous mascot for lesser-knowns and emerging talents. And for that alone I do respect her very much. Also,she does write. Remember she used to contribute to Dutch magazine as well as doing PAP coverage articles for Vogue Paris' web site among other things. No,she's really not a journo in the sense that she's writer by birth. I think of her more as somebody who devotes her energies and passion to the core of pure fashion design and creativity and she represents this through her blog and the former Disciple endeavour. Remember she was a filmschool grad turned independent fashion designer in NY in the early 80's. That experience led her to doing what she does. And I think she is an ambassador for small talents in every medium,really. I think that's why she is so admired and respected.
^a formidable journalist,I mean. Trouble thinking of that word when I posted :lol:
I've seen her walking a few times here in Paris. She looks scary, like she's going to a funeral :shock:
Have you guys ever seen that film with Johnny Depp...The Ninth Gate? She was in it...or shall I say her black spectre of a figure was in it. In one scene towards the end when they're getting out of the car for that ritual gathering there she is in all black and veiled tall hair. She has a very striking presence Diane. And she's been dressing like this for the longest so it's just who she is.
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I'm flattered to be working with someone (Diane Pernet) who garners such strong (and not always positive) emotions in people. The sharp disses to her character appear to come from people who've only caught a glimpse of her in passing, and they certainly haven't met her. She is devoted to her cause, for sure, and she's an incredibly generous and kind person. I guess you either "get" Diane or you don't (or don't want to), but if you don't, you're really missing out on someone special. She's truly a gem and the antithesis of much of the vacuousness that exists in both fashion and fashion people. And if you're a young or unknown talented designer / artist / landscape architect / bee hive collector / etc., Diane will dig you out of the abyss faster than National Geographic finding that "last native tribe."

Anyway. Diane and I are curating a traveling fashion film event, called "YOU WEAR IT WELL," comprised of short films and videos on fashion, beauty and personal style. If you're curious / interested or you might want to submit a short film to our Open Call, check out her blog (to which I also contribute): www.ashadedviewonfashion.com Click on the YOU WEAR IT WELL logo and a pdf will appear with the guidelines and requirements. Our first screening is in Los Angeles on 01 August and we're working on San Francisco for the same week. NY, Europe and elsewhere are also on the horizon. And don't hesitate to write us if you have any questions about the project or about submitting. Sincerely, Dino Dinco
^thanks for posting.
.francesca told me about this project and i think it's a fantastic idea.:heart:
Thanks for posting Dino! I agree with you wholeheartedly. btw,you and I share a mutual friendship with a certain flame-haired(another character to admire immensely)journo/organiser/PR ...that's from whom I was first introduced to your photography work.

And fabulous idea indeed!
a couple of years late...

Long time lurker, first time poster weighing in ;)

This week Diane is here in Seoul at Seoul Fashion Week, S/S 09. I knew she was coming and took the time to familiarize myself with her work. Plus, I'd seen a glimpse of her in a recent NYTime photo essay on the street fashion seen at Paris' prêt-à-porter shows: http://www.nytimes.com/packages/html/fashion/20080315_ONSTREET_FEATURE/index.html#section1

It's been cool to meet her and reading about what she's done makes me admire her. Of course, her look is going to put some people off but I think of it this way she's got a reason for it. You don't go through the ritual of that look on a daily basis and not have a reason for it. She's led an interesting life and part of that is reflected in how she presents herself to the world. Also, it's contradictory to have a look that doesn't change but to be involved in an industry where looks change every season. That, to me, is interesting.

I don't think it's fair to dismiss her as a fashion critic either. It seems she simply doesn't talk about what she doesn't like and puts her attention into being gung-ho and positive to support those that she does like. Plus, it's great that she's putting her energy into promoting talented unknowns. I think too many of us are used to the snippy critics who humiliate and demean. I don't think that's necessary and it's nice to read a blog that stays away from that sort of tone.
Welcome to the Fashion Spot, rkwatlon! And thank you for sharing your views and her contributions.. We haven't heard much about her in a while ... so it's nice to see that she's still out and about .... and still attracting photographers.
^^ I got stuck in a lift with her at London Fashion Week! Bizarre voice, but is a commendable character in her advocacy of emerging designers.
She's been here in Buenos Aires for the Buenos Aires Fashion Week

her instagram

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