Diesel S/S 2024 Milan

A diamond in the mud:


It just doesn't do anything anymore. Yeah there's some great textile potential but this is just a mess of so many different ideas and yet it's once again the same thing they've been doing since the start.

Of course, it is only Diesel at the end of the day. With the way they push it and people fawn over it though you just wonder "what's the actual point?".
This collection is stressed, everything is on the verge of a burnout, overworked, pricked n picked. These are clothes for try hard unfun people. I got tired from watching it, at least it’s a point of view.
Well Diesel had a cute run. Who ever expected that from this brand. Anyway business as usual I see.
I actually don't mind the clothes, but the presentation and runway show are the lamest and most irritating thing I have ever seen, and I once saw Mick Hucknall scratching his **** in a petrol station. In case anyone didn't watch, it was done like a D-list VIP club appearance - loud EDM, *piped in applause and cheering* whenever a model came down, strip-club lighting, and it wasn't a clever pisstake of trashy fashion either, it was sincere. If these same clothes had been presented in a normal setting, they wouldn't have looked quite so bad, but I guess Jersey Shore rejects is who Diesel is aiming for, and they're not trying to hide it. A shame, there's some really interesting textile work in parts of this, which that calibre of customer is nowhere near adventurous enough to try to wear. What a mess.

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