

Jun 30, 2002
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moody cow!
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a trend? similar seen at gucci!
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^ stressy diva alert ^
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naomi looks real horrible here :x
as for the collection, typically all over the place and not for me at all.

Liked the long black dress and the last picture with the transparent dress though.

thanks 4 posting this acid :wink:
:shock: xopher :shock:
your Dolce&Gabanna choices are simply amazing, I can't believe these were from D&G .. eating my words once more :oops:
quite a good collection after all, as a matter of fact , the very best I've seen coming from them in ages :shock:
my beloved Dolce & Gabbana are 'back'. GORGEOUS suits! (what they do best) Loving the dresses, too. and i MUST own that yellow coat! I was so disappointed in their spring collection, but this is my favorite in a while! :wub: :wub: :D
this was a great collection for Dolce & Gabbana, especially after the disappointments of previous seasons. they showed grown-up women in beautiful suits and coats instead of the boring bohemian look they were going for in the past.

it still had that D&G 'egde' but it was much more beautiful to look at :wink:

thank for the pics, acid and xopher
It was so cool because it wasn't all the was so all different!!!! I mean there were some things running common ideas or something, but there was a lot of variations!! I love the white dress with blue, and black tights and blue shoes that Jacquetta wore.

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I like very much this color green or blue or what is it? On her belt and shoes and bag!

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my beloved Dolce & Gabbana are 'back'. GORGEOUS suits! (what they do best) Loving the dresses, too. and i MUST own that yellow coat! I was so disappointed in their spring collection, but this is my favorite in a while! :wub: :wub: :D
I knew you were going to love this one, dolce. :D 8)

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