July 15, 2010, 5:42 pm So Print Is Kaput?
I Like My Style Quarterly.Several new journals, and a recent visit to a great little magazine shop in Berlin, again make one think we are entering a differentage of print. (Of special interest is Tony Judt’s moving essay “Words” in The New York Review of Books.) Though it’s clear that mainstream publications are challenged by the Internet, small magazines keep turning up. One of the funnier, readable fashion mags to come along in a while is I Like My Style Quarterly, a spinoff of ilikemystyle.net, a social network site started two years ago by Adriano Sack. He’s a journalist who divides his time between Berlin and New York and writes a style column for the German newspaper Welt am Sonntag. I Like My Style is about the size of a small-town phone book with a ruggedly assured world view of style seekers.
The first issue explains its purpose by asking a series of questions followed by answers. The last in the series is “And who are you guys?” Answer: “A bunch of friends from Berlin, New York, Texas, Austria and Hong Kong.” Mr. Sack says he believes the publication is the first ever user-generated fashion magazine. All of the content is created by users of ilikemystyle.net. The quality of the images is surprisingly good, and the ideas are fresh and interesting. And if some of the pictures are blurry — well, the editors said, that’s the way the world looks at times. Immediate, subjective, and fuzzy.
I also like that the magazine has tons of text, mostly personal observations about clothes and style icons. Mark Krayenhoff, an extravagantly bearded New York architect I once met in a coffee shop, has several pages in the first issue. Despite the sprawling reach of the magazine, it feels sharply edited, somehow. I won’t use the word curated. Bad word. The magazine is distributed by Export Press.
Also worth checking out is Tiffany Godoy’s new magazine from Tokyo, The Reality Show. It’s a group of well-designed folios wrapped in a poster. An authority on Japanese street fashion, Ms. Godoy presents people mixing their clothes with designer looks. You can buy the magazine at restir.com.
I’m completely charmed by Alt/Saglio, a little journal of street photos of the French Vogue editors Emmanuelle Alt and Géraldine Saglio. It’s a bit of an art project, with quotes from a crazy mix of people—Einstein to Bruce Willis—and it’s a mystery. No author is given. I thought Ms. Alt might know something, but she did not respond to my email. The book suggests the obsession with fashion as culture.