Erjona Ala

Yes, it will be very interesting to see how this developes into editorials and campaigns. Erjona missed out on plenty of big shows, but also booked some very exclusives ones, especially in Paris. I don' think it's necessary to book "the most shows", because then it can only go one way from there and that's downwards. With her showlist this season, she really set her mark, but she left a lot of potensial to grow come next season.

Balenciaga, Givenchy and Yves Saint Laurent were highlights, of course, in addition to opening Haider Ackermanm and Loewe, in my opinion.

The biggest surprise for me of all (set aside from Milan) was her not walking for Louis Vuitton, considering how much love Katie G. showed for her earlier with the opening spot at Loewe and the closing spot at Topshop. But it could of course be that Katie has lost influence over the casting process or that she was overruled by Marc J./Michelle L.

COACD named Erjona the number one newcomer for SS12.

Top 10 SS12: #1 Erjona Ala @FordModels Designed by Alex Gibson @BadSmellingBoy [URL][/URL]

Paris Street Style


Really impressive showlist.. I'm anticipating to see her in HC shows. ^_^

And then, I'm hoping she'll bag all those blue chip campaigns. :p
Definitely one to watch, my fav newcomer of the season:heart:. I noticed her at Givenchy, she fits the clothes so well, cause she has that mysterious vibe about her:flower: Top 10 Newcomers SS12


After her quiet trek through the runway platforms of New York, London and Milan, Erjona, a Balenciaga FW11 exclusive, had a magnificent second season which saw her hitting a cresecendo in Paris for SS12. That Balenciaga, Givenchy, Haider Ackermann, YSL, Chanel run of shows is certain to bring her to the attention of those photographers, editors and designers looking to skim the cream of the crop from the mob of new faces. The New Faces stories are being cast, the campaign lists are being drawn and Erjona’s memorable presence marks as a girl most wanted.
Been waiting for this for so long. Congratulations! :clap:
I have a feeling that Erjona's print bookings will be quite rare and very select. Since she just turned 16 this summer I highly doubt that her family will let her move to New York (also considering she had her father as a chaparone during show season).

On the other hand, it seems like she has taken a year off from school considering she was widely available during SS12, so that's atleast a very good sign that we might see a bit more of her in the future then we have until now (and I'm assuming she shot a few other things than the McDean story from W during the summer holidays). There are a few nice photographers based in London and Paris also .. ;)

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Vogue Paris are also noticing our Erjona, although the number of shows is a tad inaccurate.

Les nouveaux mannequins de la Fashion Week


Erjona Ala fait partie de ces mannequins qui intriguent et fascinent. Cette brune ténébreuse de 16 ans, aux origines norvégiennes et kosovares, semble prête à conquérir les podiums, quelques semaines après avoir fait ses premiers pas au défilé Azzedine Alaïa automne-hiver 2011-2012. Finaliste du concours Elite Model Look 2010, Erjona Ala a été vue défilant pour 45 créateurs, ouvrant les shows Marios Schwab, Temperley Londonet Loewe. On retiendra surtout son entrée aérienne chez Haider Ackermann, tout en élégance et en retenue, au son de la voix suave et envoûtante d'Antony Hegarty, du groupe Antony and the Johnsons, reprenant le mythique Imagine de John Lennon.

Taille : 1m79
Mensurations : 86-62-90
Agence : Elite
She has a feature in the November issue of Norwegian Costume Magazine ("Future Norwegian supermodels").

Does anyone have confirmation that she is working full time or if she has gone back to school?
The Girls of Paris
Photographer: Cyrille George-Jerusalmi

This summer we asked the top agencies in Paris to send us their most promising new faces. These sixteen girls are the ones to watch.

^ I am so not surprised! :lol:

She walked a lot of blue chip shows from from NY to Paris!
Could someone translate the interview?
Here you go :flower:

Name: Erjona Ala
Age: 16
Agency: Heartbreak in Oslo, Ford in New York and Elite in Paris, Milan, Barcelona and London.

Who's your favourite model?
Gisele Bündchen because she was one of the first models I ever heard of.

Do you have any role models?
Yes, my mum and dad.

How do you feel about working as a model?
It's very different from anything I've done before. I've always been a sports girl and I've done track and field sports for a long time. It was a big step from gym shoes to high heels. All the traveling is especially exciting - I like to go places I wouldn't usually have gone to.

What's your dream job?
To do a campaign for Prada.

How were you discovered?
Elite Model Management in Milan discovered me right after I started working as a model in Norway. That summer I went to Milan for two weeks with my dad. Turns out they wanted to send me straight to the final of Elite Model Look 27th World Competition in Shanghai, China. The final was held in October and I placed second. Only 72 out of 365 000 girls from around the world made it to the final, and among those 72, three winners were named. And that's how it all started.

Has the model profession been how you imagined it to be?
I knew very little about being a model and had very few thoughts on how it was. It was completely random that I became a model, but I enjoy it very much.

What's the best thing about working as a model?
So many things! I love traveling to different places and meeting new people. I see a lot of the same models everywhere and we have so much fun together.

What's the worst part?
Being away from family and friends. Fortunately, my mother or father come with me when I travel, which helps a little.

During a photo shoot there is often a lot of waiting. How do you make time pass?
If there are several models on the set, time passes rather quickly. If there isn't, I read magazines and books or use my Blackberry. I also do homework if there's time for it.

Which job has been the most exciting one?
I think most jobs have been fun. If I have to say one, it would have to be walking exclusively for Balenciaga in Paris. Miranda Kerr was also walking and she brought her boyfriend, Orlando Bloom, to the backstage area. I also remember walking for Marc Jacobs during the CFDA Awards in New York.

How would you describe your style and who is your favourite designer?
There are so many talented designers and all clothing is unique in its own way, but if I have to name just one, it would have to be Alexander Wang. I like simple and sporty things, and I dress pretty simple.

What's your favourite brand and what's on top of your wish list this season?
I don't really care about brands, I'd rather go after what I like. I don't have any special wishes for the autumn, and I rarely wear any jewellery, but I do like Swarovski crystals.

What's your best beauty tip?
It's important to exercise and drink a lot of water.

Five quick ones:
Where do you rather shop?
At regular chain stores like H&M, Zara and Gina Tricot.

Which cosmetic products can you not live without?
I don't use any specific products and I wear minimal of makeup. On a daily basis I wear face cream and a little bit of concealer - that's it!

What kind of music is on your iPod?
It depends on my mood, but I like everything from Miley Cyrus to Robbie Williams.

What's your favourite book?
Breaking Night by Liz Murray.

Which fashion magazines do you read?
Vogue and Costume.
According to an interview in the Norwegian newspaper VG, she went back to high school after show season, so I guess we won't be seeing much of her in print.

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