Expensive Skin Care

^ whoa! :o you're a guy and you're worried about wrinkles? Say it isn't so! Dont you know character lines on a man is very sexy? Debonnaire? inviting? git the picture? ;)
I am torn between Créme de La Mer and Shiseido's Future Solution.

Shiseido would be def cheaper but I'm so unsure if it's worth it. I've been wanting to try La Prairie's Skin Caviar but it costs more than I'm willing to pay for it.

I'd really like a day cream that hidrates my skin and makes the pores smaller/invisible. Any recs?
Future Solution is excellent, i use it for years now, since it first came out..

now i'm thinking of trying the new Kanebo Sensai Premier series as a break to Sisheido's Future Solution, tried a sample of their emulsion, feels good, i think the creme will be evn better but its a bit too expensive at 500+ euros the jar.. :cry:
anyone has tried Sensai Premier yet? :unsure:
^^ hi :flower: I'm pretty new in this site, and after browsing this thread, I would love to try shiseido future solutions! (it just sounds so good, & I'll go to Italy soon :p ). I''ve never tried shiseido, but I heard so many great things about this line... I have dry, but blemish prone 32 year old skin (worst combo ever)... can it be used for this skin type? & do I have to use matching toner or can I just use this cream? does it even out the skin tone? I don't have visible wrinkles yet, but would like to start some anti aging regime... it would be nice if you can help...;)

& for other expensive skin care lines, as a skincare fanatic, I think I've tried sooo many brands (age delay line from chanel, almost ALL clarins products, Darphin, etc. etc.) and mostly I was not very impressed. They smell good and feel luxurious, but didn't do much for my skin... I had even better luck with reasonably priced brands such as La Roche Posay...:unsure: But I did like sisley's anti aging cream (which I got from my mum)... but it's too expensive for me to repurchase...
Future Solutions in Italy yeahh, best price deal for this product in EU.. buy it..
its not particularly working on skin tone, for this one should try the Shiseido Bio Performance Whitening which also is an excellent product and much cheaper than FS.. but yes, i think FS will be very good for you if you have dry skin, it works miracles..
Lena said:
anyone has tried Sensai Premier yet? :unsure:

I have like 20 samples that I got from the SA when i bought a perfume, cause I want it so bad, but I can't afford it, so I might as well get my proffit :lol:
yes, so? what do you think about Sensai Premier series Ale? i'm torn, i have also just tried the sample in emulsion, not the creme.. and emulsion is a bit 'dry' for me (i have dry/delicate skin)

OT: miss you much Ale :heart:
I recently bought a Creme de la Mer skin cream for £749. I have to admit it is not worth the money, but at least if you purchase from them, they will put you on their list, and give you access to sample sales and such. I was astounded when it was reduced by 25%! I think La Prairie is excellent, it keeps your skin silky smooth! Although, I have to admit, I am just buying for prevention, not for reduction so I can't say whether it reduces pores or anything. I think a good price alternative is YSL, it doesn't work as well, but is great for the money paid.
La Prairie Caviar is too good but a bit far too expensive for me :cry:
Santa, are you reading this ? :santa: :D
I'm currently use la mer, I dont see much difference from the much cheaper DDF moisturizer I used to use, but I'm thinking there must be something or I just havent been using it long enough.

I just want something that will keep my dry skin hydrated and looking healthy, more for preventention than treatement... Is there anything you guys would recommend? What does the La Prairie Caviar, Sensai Premier, and Future Solutions do? How much do they cost in $?
Swank said:
I use La Mer only on winter months.

Btw, anyone using Sisley here?
im a self-confessed skincare wh*re, and after experimenting with so many different lines, I started using Sisley exclusively three years ago (finally took my mother's advice). Their products maintain incredible glowing skin and are extremely gentle.. they only use botanicals, and though the prices are a bit high, definitely worth it. My mother is 53, has been devoted to their line for over 15 years, and is usually seen as being in her early 40s even though she hardly wears any makeup.

As for SKII, i think someone asked about their products earlier, their treatment masks that come pre-packaged in moistened packets are INCREDIBLE~ even my dad is a fan :p
LaPrairie Caviar could be the best of the ones u mentioned GuessGirl but i think its best for real dry skin (or one using a very tiny amount of cream) should be around $450 Kanebo Sensai Premier is around $350-$400 and Future Solutions around $230 (prices are roughly estimated from euros.. )
Lena said:
Future Solutions in Italy yeahh, best price deal for this product in EU.. buy it..
its not particularly working on skin tone, for this one should try the Shiseido Bio Performance Whitening which also is an excellent product and much cheaper than FS.. but yes, i think FS will be very good for you if you have dry skin, it works miracles..

hey...thank you for the reply!:flower: Today I'll try to get a small sample pot from shiseido counter... (not sure they give samples for such an expensive product, though)
Lena said:
yes, so? what do you think about Sensai Premier series Ale? i'm torn, i have also just tried the sample in emulsion, not the creme.. and emulsion is a bit 'dry' for me (i have dry/delicate skin)

OT: miss you much Ale :heart:

well it was perfect for me because my skin is oily, so I tend to like emulsions that are less heavy on my skin...

I am not very familiar with Kanebo, but this product worked on me, then again, I get good results everytime I change my routine, cause I have that feeling that if I keep using the same product for a while it stops working, you know??

But yeah, the creme is definitely better for dry skin...
i think lipomoist is great. It's a simple moisturizer developed by the dermatologists and lipid scientists in the University of Miam school of medicine. Although it's not expensive but I think it works better than most expensive moisturizer like la mer. It doesn't treat any wrinkles or prevent fine lines but it's a great moisturizer that keeps the moisture in.
Most luxury skin creams feel good and smell good. But I don't believe that justifies the exorbitant price.

I think the only skin care products worth spending money on are high SPF/PPD sun blocks like:


Most wrinkles are a result of sun damage.

Also, Retin-A and Tazorac, which seem to actually undo sun damage and increase collagen thickness. Alpha-hydroxy acids and vitamin C may be helpful as well. Vitamin C solutions are extremely unstable. Most commercially-available Vitamin C solutions are completely worthless because they've already oxidized. It's much better (and way cheaper!) to make it yourself. There are a variety of recipes on mua.
Thank you LEna :flower: Theres so much to choose from, I think I'll ask my dermo when I go there next friday, I hope he's firmiliar with some of these.

xlove -- what does the SKII mask do?

This is kind of OT, but how do you pronounce SKII? Sky, ski, SK two?
Hipkitten said:
For me, La Mer's Oil Absorbing Lotion and Eye Balm are worth every penny. I'm something of a freak when it comes to my skin - so paying a little bit more on skincare isn't a problem. :blush:

I am considering using the same regime for this winter with the addition of Idealist by EL.....any thoughts about it? I wonder how I am going to look like by spring:unsure: ?
okay i totally USED to believe in you pay is what you get.

however when i started breaking out i tried all sorts of skincare out there, including la prairie and sisley... and they did not far better than anything else. i really got into skincare then and i did quite a lote of reasearch into the ingredients which go into skin care products. These brands tend to have the same active ingredients as all the others. (not just for my skin with breakout but also for my mother's skincare for older skins too)

read the product ingredients before you buy next time. don't be fooled by marketing terms such as "patented" or "complex" or "bio" (prime examples "miracle broth", "cellular complex")

the difference between a $30 moisturiser and a $500 moisturiser is often so small that it doesnt warrant the price difference.

ULTIMATELY, skincare can only penetrate so deep (and that's not very deep at all - only the top layers of the skin). You will achieve far better results if you (and these are just common sense):
exercise regularly
sleep enough
eat well
and drink enough water

if you have other skin concerns, you will be better off consulting your doctor who could perhaps prescribe a cream with a high enough consistency of an active ingredient (which might not be permitted in normal cosmetics) to be effective... or laser, surgery or other procedures.
I think it's a mistake to assume that just because something is expensive it's automatically better than less expensive products. I also don't think it's wise to assume that expensive products are all hype and no better then their less expensive counterparts. My daily skin care routine involves both "expensive" and "inexpensive" products. Nothing could replace my La Mer; I've tried countless products for oil absorbing and it's the only one that really works. Just as I cannot imagine a better face scrub than my Aveeno or a better face "wash" than my Shu Uemura oil cleanser. I guess what I'm trying to say is don't be turned off (or turned on) by a product's price. We're all different and you'll never know if you don't try ;)

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