LMAO some of you guys are really funny, Tyra had a great high fashion career while it lasted. She walked for just about every major label including Chanel! While I do believe that had she stayed longer, she would have done better, i'm proud of her for realizing where she would shine most and cross over, which was commercial, swim suit etc. I for one would have left HF if I was offered a multi million dollar VS contract which meant way better pay, stability, and not having to run around to castings, fittings etc and kissing people's ***es to book jobs. It also made her a household name although her name was already out there from her HF career.
Anyway with all that being said, I loved Fatima from the time i saw her on the show and i always thought that she would make a great HF model. I was disappointed to see her go but given the track record of the "winners" and those who didn't win, I'm not complaining. I have high hopes for her and really hope that this is just the beginning.