Favorite Vogue?

Paris and Italia for their originality and always bringing something fresh and unexpected to the table. Then Nippon for constantly delivering aesthetically-pleasing editorials.

Italia Vogue~~~~~~~~~~~I do like to say Vogue China is the worst~
I disagree with your comment; even though Vogue China is not my favorite one; there are many great editorials from time to time.
i would have to say my favorites are vouge italia & vouge nippon
their editorials almost always have such lovely results :flower:
no 1 vogue paris under carine roitfeld/fabien baron(2004-2007)..everything was perfect during this period..as to the new layout in 2008..i'm ok with it..

no 2 vogue uk under liz tilberis(1987-1992?)..liz was a editor-in-chief with great taste..and i think patrick demarchelier/arthur elgort/peter lindbergh had devoted their best work..everrrrr!!!..to this mag..i esp like their location eds!:crush:

for me vogue italia is a little bit overrated:ninja::yuk:..most of the time..besides the cover,the main ed..the rest of the mag are really boring..most of their contributers did some very amazing eds in other magazines..when it comes to vogue italia..just dull-_-..and the layout is just nothing special..franca need to hire a new creative director:o..holly crap i just give up buying vogue italia this year..:ermm:
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1. Vogue Paris
2. Vogue Italia
3. Vogue Germany
4. Vogue Russia
5. Vogue Korea
6. Vogue US
7. Vogue China
8. Vogue Brazil
9. Vogue UK
10. Vogue Nippon
11. Vogue Australia

Unrated: Vogue Hellenes/Greece , Vogue Portugal (does it exist???), Vogue Switzerland (does it exist???), Vogue Spain, Vogue Taiwan, Vogue India.
if you will check the page on every vogue where you will see the publishers and the editors, you will see all countries which has its own edition of vogue and no, there isn't a vogue switzerland. :D

since us and uk vogues are the only ones available current in bookstores here in the philippines, i would say my favorite is us vogue. and also because historically, it has published entertaining and informative articles and great fashion editorials. and its ability to create a national issue with its choice of people who grace its covers. terrific!

i've read several vogue paris from alliance and i would say i also love the carine/marie amelie/emmanuelle/fabien tandem. very creative and inspirational. and i also love steven meisel so vogue italia is on my list for its covers. patrick demarchelier too, though i would have to agree with kasper that his golden days would be uk vogue in the late 80's, early 90's. i remember seeing linda evangelista on the cover of vogue uk 4 times in a year all shot by patrick. totally fierce! i think he's recent ed with sasha on american vogue is great, fun! :heart:

when kate moss is on the cover, i surely have a copy of vogue uk.

love vogue but for diversity, and i mean seeing black and asian models, i'd go for bazaar or elle which aren't that bad but vogue has some distinct classiness which i think elle lacks. elle's gotten quite commercial and cosmo-ish. vogue forever! heehee!! :lol:
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sorry, it was actually caroline trentini on this month's us vogue shot by patrick, not sasha. the ed im talking about with sasha was by vinoodh on vogue paris last month.
The Vogue Ranking

I would like to propose a thread to discuss about the best Vogues editions and the most read by the users of TFS. Considering the Art of the editorials, the styling, the covers, photographers, models…
Which Vogue do you use to read or buy more? Which Vogue do you think it has the best quality? And why? What do you think about each one?
Considering my opinion about the Fashion I like to see on these magazines, my ranking would be like this:
[FONT=&quot]1-Vogue Italia (for me is the best one on the market – best editorials and styling, very artistic and trendy – Meisel is always introducing new faces which suddenly become top models – the most influential magazine on fashion).[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]2-Vogue Paris (the trendiest magazine with the best models around)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]3-Vogue America (the biggest magazine, nice editorials and trends – a little commercial for me, but still good)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]4-Vogue UK (commercial but classic, nice editorials – could have better styling)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]5-Vogue Nippon (Nice editorials – trendy and nice models)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]6-Vogue Russia (I like the editorials, nice covers - but the styling could be better)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]7-Vogue German (nice covers and editorials too, sometimes audacious)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]8-Vogue Spain (a beautiful example of a commercial magazine, nice editorials but the styling is still a little tacky for me)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]9-Vogue China (Nice editorials and some nice covers)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]10-Vogue Turquie (Nice covers and editorials)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]11-Vogue Korea (I like the photos and the colors...)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]12-Vogue Hellas (a little bit tacky sometimes, some reprints… )[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]13-Vogue Australia (comercial and boring, but sometimes I like the cover)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]14-Vogue Mexico (so so, )[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]15-Vogue Portugal (trying to be trendy in a wrong way sometimes)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]16-Vogue Brazil (bad covers and editorials, but sometimes nice brazilian models on the cover)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]17-Vogue Taiwan (bad)[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]18-Vogue India (I don’t like the styling for me)[/FONT]
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My top three favorite Vogue's are..
1. Vogue Paris(I miss Carine's touch but each issue still contains great photography that is usually inspired)
2. Vogue Italia(Even though their issues have sucked recently I still have hope they will get back to their inspired/artistic editorials and covers)
3. US Vogue (This one I have the most issues of. I have a love/hate relationship with them)
My three most disliked Vogue's are..
Vogue Latin America(There usually boring and do to many reprints)
Vogue Portugal(Boring and again to many reprints)
Vogue Australia(Way to many reprints and are way to commercial. Its more of a Cosmo than a Vogue)
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9-Vogue China (Nice editorials and some nice covers)

oh, come on!!vogue china is no.4 in vogue world ,said by Angelina chuang

my ranking
Vogue Paris (leading)
Vogue Italia(art)
US Vogue(history)
vogue china(Marketing)
9-Vogue China (Nice editorials and some nice covers)

oh, come on!!vogue china is no.4 in vogue world ,said by Angelina chuang

my ranking
Vogue Paris (leading)
Vogue Italia(art)
US Vogue(history)
vogue china(Marketing)

U r joking right?maybe in another 5 years Vogue China could compete with Vogue UK but at this moment Angelina chuang could not be serious about that 4th place or she lost her mind, actually I think she's a little impractical ,she could never be Anna wintour no matter how many celebrities and supers she uses for the cover, anyway she's a bad copycat
for me Vogue US's always the no.1
2,Vogue Paris
3,Vogue Italia
4,Vogue UK
5,Vogue Germany
6,Vogue Russia and Vogue Nippon and Vogue China
1. US Vogue
2. Vogue Türkiye
3. Vogue Italia
4. Vogue China
5. Vogue Germany
6. Vogue España
7. Vogue Nippon
8. Vogue Brazil
9. British Vogue
10. Vogue Mexico/Latinoamérica
11. Vogue Paris
12. Vogue Russia
13. Vogue India
14. Vogue Portugal
15. Vogue Taiwan

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