**FRIDA Interview by capt.charly**
Charles : Hi Frida,
How are you ?! How's/was your day ?!
Frida : Hey charles I'm very well thank you, I'm in ny and its really beautiful in the autumn!
My questions are :
C: Have you encountered fans?
F: Yes, I have encountered fans and all the times its been a lot of fun to
meet people who really like and appreciate your work
C: If so, what's the most surprising reaction you've gotten from them?
F: The most surprising thing that ever happened to me was during the shows in paris when some fans wanted my autograph, what was a really (almost chockingly) surprise for me haha
C: Do you have a twitter account ?
F: No I don't have one right now but I'm working on it so soon I will be the proud owner of a twitter
C: What's your favourite movie ?
F: I really love watching movies so for me its almost impossible to pick just one as my favourite but my top five is trainspotting, control, eternal sunshine of a spotless mind, fight club and the lord of the rings (since I'm a HUGE fan of the books!) haha
C: What's your favourite music ?
F: I listen to a lot of swedish music and my favourite band is kent but I also love bands like joy division, the cure, white lies, the jesus and mary chain, hakan hellstrom, the doors and the clash. But some of my favourite music also includes ebba gron, system of a down, slipknot, metallica and electro like mgmt, steve aiko, digitalism, daft punk and does this offend you, yeah? Haha I listen to a lot of music
C: Do you like to play video games ?
F: I love to play videogames, I have an xbox 360 and I love to play stuff like army of two, tekken, call of duty and gta but my absolute favourite game of all time no doubt is WoW ( World of Warcraft ) and if there's one one who plays that read this; I play as an undead rogue!!
C: Do you have a boyfriend ?
F: Nope no boyfriend for me right now.
C: If you see/meet me during the Paris Fashion Week, will it be possible to stand you a drink ?
F: Hahaha you never know
C: How do you take care of your skin and body for your job ?
F: I try to eat healty and organic food and to drink a lot of water and green tea, but more or less I eat what I'm hungry for haha

When I comes to my skin I use dermalogica, they're really good since there's no chemicals in their products!
C: In which city would like you to live for the rest of your day ? and why ?!
F: For the rest of the day I would love to go to somewhere in the world where there's a sun shining, warm and clear blue water, some island in the caribean maybe
C: Is it possible that you can take a picture with a little message for all your fans to see ?
F: Yeah for sure, I attached a pic from paris fw
F: So that's my anwsers, hope you like them!
C: Thank you very much for the answers, I like them yeahh ! its so adorable of your share !
C: I wish you a nice weekend !
Take care !
Big kisses from Paris !
F: xx Frida Gustavsson