Gisele`s fruity language


lunabella said:
yeah, gisele must have been misquoted. her native language is portugese, that's what she said on camera before.

she speaks 4 languages:

:o :ninja:
Conan ROCKS:mowhawk:

The look on his face was priceless as she kept saying "***hole" over and over again:shock: Oh the horror of the FCC:o
gallianoke said:
I think that Brazilian people also speak spanish, i know this romanian girl who also speaks spanish and's all related

Plastic'sWife said:
Yes in Brazil its Spanish and Portuguese mainly!
I am so excited that she speaks spanish:buzz:

In Brazil we speak Portuguese ONLY. It's our official language. Some people speak some spanish because they live near the borders but they're a minority. If you meet anyone from Brazil please don't ask them to speak in Spanish - it happened to me once when I was in Florida and this american lady was trying to give me directions. It's a huge offense (not to mention it's a faux pas) to brazilian people - not that we don't like Spanish, it's more because of the fact that some people can't make a distinction between Brazil and the other South American countries.
lady grey said:
as a brasilian, how much resentment do you feel towrads argentinians & uruguayans? dont they speak spanish as first language?

Yes, in Uruguay and Argentina we speak spanish as our first and almost only language (there are still some natives who speak their language)

I´m argentinian, and I love Brazil and brazilians, I consider Brazil as my second country.

I´ve always felt well treated in Brazil and never in a resentful way. It is true they always consider themselves better than any other country in the world...but you gotta admit Brazil is a marvelous, blessed with an astonishingly beautiful landscape and weather. The people are very beautiful...the rich the poor, the young and the elder... in all the colours and mixtures you can imagine.

So you really don´t feel like arguing about they proudness and superiority...because they are genious in many areas, as for instance music. Brazilian music is very close to perfection, and they have HUGE musicians as Chico Buarque, Caetano Veloso, Joao Gilberto, Gal Costa, María Bethania, Marisa Monte, Djavan, Gilberto Gil, Tom Jobim, Vinicius de Moraes, and so many others.
They absolutely rule in soccer too...and they tend to be a bit over-proud of their team...but then again they´re almost unbeatable!

Brazilians are very nice people, I love them!:heart: :heart:
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newprincesita said:
Yes, in Uruguay and Argentina we speak spanish as our first and almost only language (there are still some natives who speak their language)

I´m argentinian, and I love Brazil and brazilians, I consider Brazil as my second country.

I´ve always felt well treated in Brazil and never in a resentful way. It is true they always consider themselves better than any other country in the world...but you gotta admit Brazil is a marvelous, blessed with an astonishingly beautiful landscape and weather. The people are very beautiful...the rich the poor, the young and the elder... in all the colours and mixtures you can imagine.

So you really don´t feel like arguing about they proudness and superiority...because they are genious in many areas, as for instance music. Brazilian music is very close to perfection, and they have HUGE musicians as Chico Buarque, Caetano Veloso, Joao Gilberto, Gal Costa, María Bethania, Marisa Monte, Djavan, Gilberto Gil, Tom Jobim, Vinicius de Moraes, and so many others.
They absolutely rule in soccer too...and they tend to be a bit over-proud of their team...but then again they´re almost unbeatable!

Brazilians are very nice people, I love them!:heart: :heart:

Thanks! :blush: I must say, as a brazilian, that I love your country and your people. Buenos Aires was the most charming place I've ever been to - I still consider living there someday. And in regards to music, in my honest opinion nothing can beat the good old tango. :crush:

lady grey said:
as a brasilian, how much resentment do you feel towrads argentinians & uruguayans? dont they speak spanish as first language?

Resentment? Why sould I resent them? Do you resent irish people, or the scottish, for instance? I honestly don't understand where you are trying to get. My point was that it is offensive to show lack of knowledge about a country when you are discussing it. I'm sure that in Belgium people must hate when a foreigner can't tell the difference between them and the dutch people. It feels the same way to us in Brazil.
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it's well known Argentinians have a huge ego.

I live in Latin America and personally, I never cared that much for Brazilians, i respect them and love the country but it's not like we'd have anything in common, they have a different language, different heritage, different culture, so bah..i'm quite indifferent to them though the ones i've met have been really friendly and since we share the same geographical zone, i have some sort of appreciation for them.
Even if it's really apart, I think Latin Americans feel more close to Spaniards than Brazilians.
MulletProof said:
it's well known Argentinians have a huge ego.

I live in Latin America and personally, I never cared that much for Brazilians, i respect them and love the country but it's not like we'd have anything in common, they have a different language, different heritage, different culture, so bah..i'm quite indifferent to them though the ones i've met have been really friendly and since we share the same geographical zone, i have some sort of appreciation for them.
Even if it's really apart, I think Latin Americans feel more close to Spaniards than Brazilians.

It is true some (well...many) argentinians have huge egos and are always bragging and being impolite because they think they´re something else. I really consider that a flaw and sometimes when I´m abroad and I see another argentinian behaving like a prick I just wanna hide...

I love :heart: Brazil, but yes there´s been always something of a rivalry between the two countries, but I don´t think it is really that argentinians hate brazilians but only that we sometimes envy them or feel threatened by Brazil´s economic and geographic power. Soccer is also a common point of discussion...If Pelé was bigger than Maradona and so on.

Anyhow I LOVE Brazil, but the language creates a barrier between the two cultures sometimes, I have to agree.
Brazil's native language is portuguese, and rarely people know it's english.
more gisele tv chat

in light of gissy's so-breezy-it-didnt-exist segment on conan last week, heres a previous jay leno appearance that, to me, provided more psychological insight into her mindset & feelings/personality/traits:

gissy on leno:
gissy looked excellent. nice natural make up and hair. she was wearing a bolero cut black jacket [D&G?] and black halter under & stonewashed grey jeans and white ballet flats. oddly she announced upon arrival 'i am wearing a suit' even tho the faded jeans were in no way the same as her top garments. its funny i recently called for a return to black denim after several years overdosing on pricey indigo jeans; but gissy's revival of 80s stonewashed grey was unusual, but at least she has the figure for them with her endless legs. nice arms too she was gesticulating more than ever talking with her hands pumping fists in air etc. no engagement ring.

leno made sm remark about 'you always trust what men say.' and gissy strongly said 'no just this one [fisherman] guy.' it wasnt hard to realize shes talking about leo's lies & his cheating.

when gissy said she saw pink dolphins jay asked if she was on some of that powder they have in brasil and gissy gave a wide & sincere smile thinking of the stereotype of models or south americans fondness for the bolivian marching cocoa. dont fool yrself coke is the #1 crop from south america its as common as budweiser here. she has probably seen one of her rich brazilian bfs do up a line or two, never mind the LA film business loonies.

i have never seen her adjust her boobs so much. every few seconds she wld put her hands on her chest, move the boobs, adjust her halter & jacket, close the jacket. open ther jacket. thats an odd nervous tic considering how much her boobs contributed to her career & I am more certain than ever theyre fake the way shes always adjusting.

her accent was weird. its like shes been talking to a lot of mexicans? i swear she lost the authentic brasil accent she used to have & now its a broader mexican-spanish-english? weird. i guess shes nervous cos she is constantly gesturimng and moving and yakking away.

she called a piranha fish 'evil.' unfortunately that reveals gissy's lack of intellectual depth as all animals are 'just as god made them.' only humans have the capacity to do 'right or wrong' and morality. animals are 100% right & non-evil. I'll hv to mention that to her next time we're discussing nature vs nurture at the lending library.

very revealing freudian slip when she complemented woody harrelson's elvis imitation, 'you can be a singer cos I dont want to be an actor anymore.' she meant 'if YOU dont want to be an actor' but she siad 'cos I dont want to be an actor anymore.' she is already trying to erase Taxi. leno's very last line to her was 'nice job in the movie taxi' since every talk show interview is scripted, gissy [or her people] dictated Taxi was not to be discussed in the body of the chat. no talk of another movie.

jay made a joke about the brasilian amazon indians having 'casinos' like our native american indians however gis didnt seem to understand what a casiino is or at least that indians in us operate casinos as she said, 'yes they have big houses' so i guess when gissy sees 'casino' signs like in vegas hotels she thinks 'big house' but cldnt reply to jay's joke.

gis' main chat [pre-arranged] was about her fishing trip in the amazon. re alligator or piranha attacks when she was in amazon she said 'i didnt have any cuts to attract them.' which raised the notion of menstrual blood and how it attracts sharks etc.

gissy referred to VS panties as 'underpants.' jay then made a joke about men flipping thru the catalog and made his own funny hand gestures which suggested masturbation. woody harrelson then interrupted to say hi to his wife & kids so he was embarrassed by the masturbation & azz refs.

she said she is a lakers fan & is disappointed that shaq went to miami. jay then asked about Kobe!! bad jay! why raise the spectre of 7 foot tall r*pe? gis likes kobe's game but likes shaq better. despite having said a moment earlier that she wants to kill shaq for going to miami. so gis is no fan of r*pist kobe.

so- gis looked really good. her wild gestures are comedic and cute in an infantile way. her chat and intellectual depth exists on the most superficial, beginner's -english level. her constant boob fiddling shows theyre fake & shes self-conscious and /or realizes how key they are to her fame. her accent was broader & less brasilian and more mexican or even cuban / puerto rican sounding. she said she moved to nyc and had no engagement ring on. rating: looks A.
chat C.

ps nemova as you see above other south americans confirm my statements that there is a rivalry among vertain SA countries with argentina & brazil being the most famous but I have also heard the same idea with uruguay & chile.
its hardly unique, look at the chinese vs japan vs korea situation. each asian culture feels it is the 'most civilized' 'smartest' etc etc & to mistake a japanese for a chinese is an insult and vice versa & that goes double for korea. these are simply biases that do exist in the big world.
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Oh ok well in Taxi she was speaking Portuguese, so I believe they mixed it up. But that is so mean! Models sometimes... girls, for that matter, can be quite bitchy sometimes!
Nemova said:
Oh dear Lord.. :rolleyes:

Well, I am sure it's quite common in the top modeling/Hollywood/VIP club scene that Gisele is around. From what i understand, VIP areas in clubs and cocaine go hand in hand. I'd find it hard to believe if Gisele doesn't at least, see it every other month at the least.

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