GQ January 2009 : Jennifer Aniston

I take it you are not going to watch Marley & Me? lol

I miss the Rachel days but the cover is just not working for me, she has an amazing bod though.
I agree with you. I'm a big Friends fan and I seriously like her, but the cover is not working for me either.
I'm so going to watch Marley & Me, I'm reading the book and everyone who read says it's a beautiful story.
I would reply to some of the commentary in this thread but that picture blinded me and I can no longer read my beloved tFS.

Damn you Jennifer Aniston!
Um...I do not like. I'm a fan of Jen A. but this cover is just not a good look. The pose is all sorts of awkward and I truly do not know why she's naked. :blink: And to think I actually thought when she was GQ's Woman of The Year that that was a horrible cover. (see below)

Credit MSNBC

Oh Jen just say no- you do not have to be topless or pant-less to land a GQ cover. Hell as cliche as it is, I would have liked Jen to have been in a suit & tie when she won woman of the year back in 05' now I'll settle for a tank and boy shorts.
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Its just a bad cover, they could do with her so much better in the nude, this just seems blah, although her body is insane the pose is cheap!
Jennifer looks fantastic on the cover. But I don't like they way she has her hands :innocent:
Desperate much? :blink:

source NY Post via Aniston Center


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oh god, here we go again!!!

her jaw looks pretty photoshopped imho, it looks weird, I'll wait for the scan.
I'm going to attempt to talk about this without resorting to just automatically dismissing the image. On the one hand I like that a woman of 40 is on the cover of a major men's magazine being proclaimed as sexy. That is very cool in my book. However there is nudity done right and nudity done wrong - this doesn't strike me as being sexy, the pictures are sort of bland. If you're going to get your kit off, go all out and do it in a way that doesn't seem so forced.
her body is nice but its tacky and not interesting. it looks like something for jessica simpson. maybe she wants to change her image.


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Her body looks great, and all this recent cover activity, I guess she's going to war, with a smile on her face and a steely determination to prove to the world that she's still desirable, celebrity-wise.

I don't like the cover because it's cluttered and she has 'awkward hands'. But I've also seen worse.

It must sting, to be portrayed in the press as a barren loser in love. So doing a nude cover that shows her in perfect shape is like a Christmas gift to herself.
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Her body is perfection, but the spread dosent exude sxiness imo, i mean she is posing and smiling in that "girl next door" way, which freaks me out.So i totally agree with you Luxx, if you went there, do it the right way or keep your clothes on.I am more interested in the male models behind her.:D
Her body is perfection, but the spread dosent exude sxiness imo, i mean she is posing and smiling in that "girl next door" way, which freaks me out.So i totally agree with you Luxx, if you went there, do it the right way or keep your clothes on.I am more interested in the male models behind her.:D

I think that's why it makes me so uncomfortable. It's like she's trying to sell me girl guides cookies or get me sign up with OXFAM while maintaining weird positions that ensure that the tie covers her bits. Yeeee. She looks amazing at 40, btw, had no idea she wasn't still in her 30s.

What she needs is a hot French Playboy ed (although with the new editor that might be a bad idea now).

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