Hair Extensions

Aida.Sevan said:
I want to get hair extensions, but I'm a bit scared that it can damage my own hair. Not I've heard that there is a new technologies to stick extensions with ultra sound. What do you think about it. I think we have Greatlengths salon here in Hungary. Are they good?
One more question: How do they put off the extensions? Will it be painful or hard to put off?

I dont know how it is for a weave, but I have the kind where they glue in tons of little sections of hair, and those are so annoying to take out, they really hurt. I remember for the first two hours I was thinking I could sit through it, but by the 4th hour I was about to scream it hurt so bad. I still think it's worth it though. I'm getting them replased in about a month and I'm not looking forward to it :doh:
I just bought a $200 CDN human hair clip on extension kit and I LOVE them
no commitment at all, can reuse them whenever, they look totally natural and make my fine hair thick and long...LOVE THEM
They come in different widths, and clip in with an ultra small clip and stay in all night, I even went dancing last night....:D :D :D
check out
thats where I got mine from
I know prices vary GREATLY, but on average, does anyone know the cost of a real hair weave if my hair is a little shorter than shoulder length..and I want medium/long lenght extensions? ; - )
Vanessavz said:
I know prices vary GREATLY, but on average, does anyone know the cost of a real hair weave if my hair is a little shorter than shoulder length..and I want medium/long lenght extensions? ; - )

I have the glue in kind, but I'm thinking the prices are prabably similar. The cost depends on the fullness and not at all on the length, at least where I get them done. My hair is also a little above my shoulders, I have 4 bundles of hair in and it's enough to have a good full head of hair. The cost was about 1.9k I think.
Guessgirl96 said:
I have the glue in kind, but I'm thinking the prices are prabably similar. The cost depends on the fullness and not at all on the length, at least where I get them done. My hair is also a little above my shoulders, I have 4 bundles of hair in and it's enough to have a good full head of hair. The cost was about 1.9k I think.
Thanks for answering guessgirl ; - )I reeeeeally wish they were Can anyone recommend someone in the Los Angeles area who does extensions ?
Glue ins are kind of nice if you just want to try out extensions for a short amount of time.. like 3-4 weeks. They're also way cheaper. If you're thinking about getting extentions, I'd recommend some glue ins to experiment with the length and such, and just to see if you like the look, and then go for a weave. I like glue ins because I can't commit to anything! This way I can change the length/color/whatever really easily and cheaply.
cardboardboxed said:
Glue ins are kind of nice if you just want to try out extensions for a short amount of time.. like 3-4 weeks. They're also way cheaper. If you're thinking about getting extentions, I'd recommend some glue ins to experiment with the length and such, and just to see if you like the look, and then go for a weave. I like glue ins because I can't commit to anything! This way I can change the length/color/whatever really easily and cheaply.

I have glue ins and I dont think they were cheap at all, but I'm thinking maybe they are compared to a weave? How much do those usually cost?
Guessgirl96 said:
I have glue ins and I dont think they were cheap at all, but I'm thinking maybe they are compared to a weave? How much do those usually cost?

Weaves are hunnndreds. I've heard of them going up to over a thousand.

Glue ins you can buy at sallys beauty supply. You can get Human hair, or synthetic. There are som crappy synthetic hairs, but there are some nice ones. Usually synthetic hair that you can heat style are pretty nice quality. I actually think they look a bit better than human sometimes. They're so nice and slick and shiny! They're anywhere from about $10-$15 per pack, maybe more or less depending on length. I think human hair that is 8" is about $10... and synthetic that is 14" is about $15. So really cheap compared to weaves! The glue is like a dollar. To make it last longer, make sure you press firmly, and blasting it with a blowdryer can help set the glue.

You can also re-glue spots when they get loose, and that helps them stay in a lot longer. You can also reuse them! So if they start getting gross and falling out, all you have to do is take them out, clean the old glue off of them, and the put them back in.

Whew, that was long. Hope it helped.
cardboardboxed said:
Weaves are hunnndreds. I've heard of them going up to over a thousand.

Glue ins you can buy at sallys beauty supply. You can get Human hair, or synthetic. There are som crappy synthetic hairs, but there are some nice ones. Usually synthetic hair that you can heat style are pretty nice quality. I actually think they look a bit better than human sometimes. They're so nice and slick and shiny! They're anywhere from about $10-$15 per pack, maybe more or less depending on length. I think human hair that is 8" is about $10... and synthetic that is 14" is about $15. So really cheap compared to weaves! The glue is like a dollar. To make it last longer, make sure you press firmly, and blasting it with a blowdryer can help set the glue.

You can also re-glue spots when they get loose, and that helps them stay in a lot longer. You can also reuse them! So if they start getting gross and falling out, all you have to do is take them out, clean the old glue off of them, and the put them back in.

Whew, that was long. Hope it helped.

Thanks for the reply :) These are different glue in then.. Mine were about 1900 and stay in for 6 months. I was thinking if glue ins are cheap compared to a weave, a weave must be insanley priced! I'm getting my extentions replaced in about 2-3 weeks, I would really like to try outthe weave but theres no place that does it here :(
i have extensions, my salon only uses great lengths, i love it its naturally wavey, the indian hair which makes it unique =D miens were like 16" long and i had 3 bundles it came to a total cost of $695 Canadain dollars. not that bad eh? Im just worried what would happen when i take it off in febaruary 2006!! will I feel like i have no more hair anymore =S has anywone used great lengths before?!?
yay! i found the hair extension thread! :clap:
made, are you in TO? i'm doing research for extensions right now..

question for the experts.. can it be done on short hair, like bangs? will it be obvious if its on the fringe, since i usually do the sideswept bangs look and want to cover up these nasty bangs that kind of stick up! :shock:..
Pinky* said:
yay! i found the hair extension thread! :clap:
made, are you in TO? i'm doing research for extensions right now..

question for the experts.. can it be done on short hair, like bangs? will it be obvious if its on the fringe, since i usually do the sideswept bangs look and want to cover up these nasty bangs that kind of stick up! :shock:..

Yvonne!!!:p mmph about the bangs, are yo talking about the bangs in the front? cause if its in the front...i dont suppose you can because the protein thingy that bonds our hair and the extension hair is hardish shiniish plasticy and it might show through...I think for this, you have to consult with your stylist. The extensions i did was from great lengths. you should go chekc their site. teheheh gl yvonne!:heart:
yup bangs on the front! i had the unfortunate experience of getting a haircut from a madman. they're waaay too short right now, all around as well.

so, as a rule, you can't really do extensions near the top of your head, or near your part? only under the crown of your head where hair can cover them?
well i dont think you can do extensions in the FRONT top of your head but the extensions are located at the very upper part of the head as for length and volume, im just not sure if you can have it at the FRONT top. I have some extenisons at the side of my head, like you know near the ear part. your best bet is to go to a consultaion =D
I hate my bangs now, can I get extensions and make their lenght like the rest of my hair!
I hate my bangs now, can I get extensions and make their lenght like the rest of my hair!?
odette, i can call my extensionist and ask him about your bangs. really a consultation helps a lot and is free! just the time is precious, i know =)P
Pinky -- I called my extention lady earlier today and she said that it's possible to put them in the bangs underneath the top layer of hair so that they dont show, but that they drove her crazy when she got them. She said they get in the way and that they grow out quickly.

I'd at least make an appt for a consultation and they'll be able to help the most, since the extentions and how they put them in can varry :)
guess girl!!! what kind of extensions do you use? great lengths? tehehhe i am lovnig extensions jtu its annoying whrn you want to use those BIG clip to clip all your hair into a ponytail >< i have to be super precise and careful but its all good :D
madem0iselle said:
guess girl!!! what kind of extensions do you use? great lengths? tehehhe i am lovnig extensions jtu its annoying whrn you want to use those BIG clip to clip all your hair into a ponytail >< i have to be super precise and careful but its all good :D

Mine are from SoCap. Anyone else have extentions from them? I agree they can be annoying at times but overall I love them :D

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